Monday, May 23, 2022

Failed Vacation

 I failed vacation 101.

But, in my defense, I couldn't resist when someone offered four spots yesterday afternoon that they couldn't use.   I called the Albany house of cats people.   

I thought the lady's  knee replacement was today, but its Wednesday, so she was thrilled four more could be done and they set about catching four.

I took over traps.   Then I saw a fifth appointment offered up, messaged the woman offering it, but before I got a response from her, the Albany house of cats folk caught a fifth.  Then the woman with the fifth spot said "sorry, already gave it to someone else".   But the House of Cats people had caught two females, as the fourth and fifth cats.  I had already brought the three males they'd caught home with me.   I asked which male was tamest and then I took him back to them and got the two females, who are likely pregnant, since their other three females I took up were.   

In the end, took up two males and two females this morning.  This is an easy house, because they recuperate themselves also.  I won't even have them overnight tonight.   My vacation fail will be one and a half days only.

What else was I going to do yesterday.  After a nice day, yesterday became overcast by mid afternoon and humid and it rained last night.  Today's nicer than yesterday.

The farmer lady help with hoisting that plastic pond was a bust.  My whole method of holding it up is faulty, is the real problem.  I'll have to decide if I want to proceed by figuring out some other way to hold it up or give it away.  I'm leaning towards the latter.  It's be a shame not to use it or put it into the hands of someone who will use it.

Buddy, one of the boys, up being fixed today

Cookie, the other boy, being fixed today

This is Double Stuff, one of the girls.  She has one blue eye and one yellow eye.

Twilight, the other girl, and she was not happy to have been caught.

Happy to get four more fixed there.   They already have two females with kittens.  Now all the other females will have been fixed.  Five in all.  there are still three other boys, I think, who need fixed still.

I don't mind the short break from vacation.


  1. Anonymous3:40 PM

    At least it sounds like fairly easy catching without human drama.

  2. It's not a vacation fail. You're just starting your vacation later than you anticipated. (I have a vacation fail. I just signed up to teach summer school. Stupid me.)

    Could you use the pool as kind of a lean-to? Not exactly how you intended it, but it might still provide some shade.

    1. I'll be doing exactly that for now. Oh shoot, you're doing summer school. How long is the summer session?

  3. Sound like a working vacation.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Hooray for a productive day without the usual drama. I hope you can now start your delayed vacation.


Five Cats Fixed Yesterday

 Two Liliths from two towns were fixed yesterday.  Coincidence?  I guess. This Lilith is from Lebanon and was left behind by her people at a...