Sunday, December 05, 2021

Too Much Work

 Too much working lately, catching cats, driving them home, picking up my equipment, answering messages and the phone over cats needing fixed.   

I'm trying to run a fundraiser to keep this place going, you know. Its on facebook. I am trying to keep the Linn County Cat Fix fund funded, keep in the cat food too.  13 more cats were fixed at whs's clinic under the fund last month, which comes to $559.    Same as the month before.  13 that month too.  These are cats people take in themselves to be fixed through the feral program at whs.  Costs Linn County residents otherwise $43 per cat, but now, instead of charging Linn County folk, whs bills Happy Cat Club, my nonprofit.  That is, until the money runs out.  It will run out too, at this rate, if I fail at raising more.  I'm so bad at fundraising.  

Its a worry.

I have 16 spots this week.  But after that, the rest of the month, I have only 8, 3 on one day, 5 on another.  I have so many cats on my list, I can barely keep track now.  I have only 8 spots in all of January.

Anyhow, I still have the two boy kittens in my bathroom from the barn.  The buff boy gets fixed tomorrow, then tomorrow night I take both back.  Peewee was fixed Friday.

That's Peewee on the right.

The quarry folk were supposed to try for another cat up there, but I knew they wouldn't.  I left a trap and encouraged them to try, but it was very evident they hadn't tried at all.   How do I know that?   Because I left wet food in the trap and told them to use the wet food I'd taken them to put in the back and cut the line to drop the door on the long hair still needing done.  Not a single can of that wet food I left had been opened.   The other cat I knew wouldn't get caught for tomorrow was in an otherwise fixed colony.  I told them how to catch him selectively but knew they would not lift a finger to do it that way and sure enough, they didn't.  So I'll get that trap back tomorrow too.

So minus those two and with three spots tomorrow and just the barn kitten thus far, I went back out to the RV park wrecking yard colony and quickly caught two teenagers.  I call them Crawdad and Beetle.  So they'll be done tomorrow along with Sunshine, the buff boy kitten.

Beetle, a young mack tab on white

Crawdad, a long hair gray and white, very beautiful

I spotted a couple bald eagles in the field, near the colony, pulling apart something dead to eat.   Later I went over to look and saw it was a dead nutria.   Two running loose dogs had by then chased the eagles off.  I wouldn't have disturbed their treasured meal.

Well hey, I did get my tree down out of the rafters and put up.  I have the lights up on it but so far no ornaments.  Maybe later this evening.   It's too cold in my garage for cats, so the two younguns I trapped today are also in my warm bathroom.  My bathroom has seen a lot of cats in the years I've lived here.   


  1. I wish I could help. I know most communities seems to have thrift store that help animals out.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Yeah, those are specific to the shelter that runs them. I got enough on the fundraiser so far to pay for two months of Linn County cat fix fund, if the same number of cats were fixed as last two months, even though its not out of money yet. I'm very very thrifty.

  2. I am sure that your bathroom has seen and nurtured a HEAP of cats over the years.
    I like your tree. And love that you keep on keeping on. Thank you.

    1. Hundreds EC, hundreds! I love my tree too. Now its got the ornaments on.

    2. I agree entirely regarding your perseverance, our gratitude, and your tree. I skipped putting up the tree this year because of the now adolescent Terra and Polly-Dactyl. :D It's wonderful you got the ornaments on.

  3. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I had to look up nutria. Pests and a good feed for eagles.
    I hope you receive some extra donations.

    1. Yes, if the eagles stick to nutria, everyone will be happy. Except the nutria.

  4. PBS had a show this week about the nutria problem in Louisiana, which they are beginning to solve by eating the critters.


Last Trip to Lake?

 I went to the lake yesterday.  It was supposed to get up to near 80 by late afternoon.  I checked the reservoir level first, to make sure I...