Monday, July 06, 2020

The 4th

As usual I did nothing on the 4th.

Well I did drag myself from bed to return the five cats fixed Friday, from the Sweet Home RV park.

I thought that was pretty darn good, to get up and get way up there by 9:00 a.m.   I was dragging though.

They said there are two more adults to be fixed there.  One is a young orange tux boy, the other a fluffy orange.  Then there are the two torti kittens.  I wish I had a place they could go.  But on the opposite corner, not 500 feet from this group, I saw two other cats and a bowl of food by the steps leading into the tiny camp trailer.  I pointed this out to the owner, and said please talk to her.  If those she feeds are not fixed, it will just keep on going.

I came home.   I meant to take the dirty traps out of the car, so they wouldn't stink it up, when it warms up in the afternoon, but I didn't. 

I watched the final two episodes of Into the Darkness, a netflix series.  I really loved it.  I think that was the name of it.  Maybe it is Into the NIght.   Then I went to bed.

Our weather lately has been abnormally cool.  Way cooler than is normal for this time of year.   It doesn't end, either, with the same predicted for all week and significant rain and in the 60's next Sunday.   Something is haywire.

I slept til nearly 7:00 p.m.  The noise of fireworks was starting up.  Everyone is a pyro these days, with money.  Those illegal fireworks are extremely expensive but there was certainly no shortage.  They went off from all directions, loud and obnoxious and terrified my cats.   There was nothing I could do about it and I tried to remain calm, to keep the cats calm.  I thought about how terrified outdoor cats must become and what about all the wildlife, including birds, it must be a night that kills a lot of them, from the sheer terror.  I haven't seen my duck friends since two days before the 4th, when all the noisy bullshit started with a vengence.  The entire neighborhood smelled of sulphur and smoke for two days.

This video is from even before it got dark.  Yeah, that's my roof. 

The usual suspects fired off a lot, from behind the house across the street.  One year, one of theirs misfired and almost hit one of my windows.  I ran out and threw a bucket of water on the smoldering remains in my yard.

The fungi kittens are still here.  I gave them another lime dip yesterday and they now are also on antifungal medication, to hedge my bets.

Shroom and Amanita

Shroom and Truffles
If I don't get them over it, while they're still cute and little, they'll never get homes.

I have a total of ten appointments this week, which makes me happy.   This morning I'm headed back to the Sweet Home colony, after a last kitten again, before that kitten is too old to tame.   If I happen to catch one of those three males still needing fixed, well that will be really fun for me.

I have not had real human contact in such a long time I can't even remember now when that might have been.  Sometimes its quite hard.  Another online friend died a couple days ago.  Autumn.  She had a small senior cat sanctuary and lived in Northern California.  I met her once, briefly, and I loved her courageous spirit.  She had been fighting metastisized breast cancer.


  1. Hiss and spit at the firework orgies.
    Love the funghi kittens. Of course.
    And am sorry about your friend.

    1. Yeah, I don't quite get the attraction to setting off super loud super expensive explosives. Most people don't even bother to clean up their own fireworks trash either. It's disgusting but fits with the type of folks who like to shoot them off somehow.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Autumn's passing. But those kittens have to be a very good distraction.

  3. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Sorry about your contact who died. This ringworm problem seems quite intractable.

    1. Oh it takes a long time, a month or two often, to get over it, Andrew.

  4. And I thought our neighbors were bad! Jezebel didn't care one bit, bless her kitty heart. How sad to lose another heroic caregiver. Wish I could hug you for real. Best wishes on all your amazing endeavors, my dear.

    1. Miss Daisy never cared about fireworks, since she was deaf.


Five Cats Fixed Yesterday

 Two Liliths from two towns were fixed yesterday.  Coincidence?  I guess. This Lilith is from Lebanon and was left behind by her people at a...