Monday, October 28, 2024


 We have had soo much rain the last few days.

Came down in buckets.   

I spent the weekend sleeping off last week.   Strange dreams too.

In one, I was walking my dog, Denali, who is long long long gone. Decades gone.

And when I stopped to help a lady whose dogs got loose, I realized Denali wasn't at the end of the very long leash anymore.

I searched and searched to no avail.   Finally I went to a shelter, where apparently I worked.  And one head honcho said "Did we get those dogs in yet from Springfield?  When they come in, take them out back and shoot them."   I stared at her in disbelief.  At that moment a large crate with four beautiful dogs inside was brought in.  One was a bright eyed beautiful young German shepherd.  I yelled at her to look in their eyes, you murderer.  You're a shelter for gosh sakes!   They planned to sell their bodies to research companies.  I threw down my work gear and stormed out.

I went to a different shelter who said they had found my dog, but I couldn't remember exactly what she looked like or if this was my dog they were showing me. I wondered why I couldn't remember.  They said this dog would be killed if I didn't take her.   Then I was suddenly with a family outside their house and begging them to tell me the way back to where I lost my dog, because I didn't know how to get there but they ignored me and were laughing and talking about other things like they couldn't hear me.   I woke up then.

I had another dream where I was in a dormitory for some reason.  The front part had no walls, and was open. The side of the room had huge holes where the floor met the wall.   The dean of the dorm came to say hello and I said I can't stay here, my cats will get out.  I had three cats with me, Slinko was one of them and he at that moment jumped through the open front out into the hallway.  The dean leaned down to pet him and said "what a nice cat" then to me "I can see why you can't stay here."

After sleeping almost all day yesterday, I finally am awake at 4:00 this morning.  I do work hard, then I recuperate for a few days of mostly sleeping.  It's always been that way.  Some of the work is physical, carrying heavy traps all over, loading and unloading them repeatedly, but its also a lot of stress and my method of removing the stress is to sleep it off.  Seems to work for me.

 I don't know if its still raining out this morning.  We've been close to freezing a few nights here but so far have not had a real freeze.  I suppose that will change.  We're supposed to get our usual wet winter with snow in the mountains, with a slight La Nina pattern.  

Saturday I made grape juice from the concord grapes gleaned Thursday.  I put them on the stove in a large pot with some water, brought to a boil, mashed them with potato masher, let simmer a few minutes, cooled, then strained through cheese cloth.   I got three pitchers from the two sacks of grapes I picked.  It's very good grape juice.

We have a gleaners potluck next week, at the monthly meeting.  I haven't decided yet what to make to take.  

I am taking a break from cat fixing since I have no appointments until the very end of next month.   My nonprofit has very little money currently, so if I get any cats fixed at the private clinic it will be one or two in unfinished colonies.   Maybe I can get up to Sweet Home to get the ones left at the 7-11 colony, for instance.  It cost the nonprofit about $1600 to get the 15 cats fixed from the Waterloo colony.  They were almost all girls and I paid extra to get them three-way vaccines.  At home, I wormed them with my own supplies and flea treated them too.   Nothing is easy or affordable anymore in regards to fixing cats.   It's become a nightmare of costs, driving and deciding who will get helped and who won't.  

Tabitha from 7-11 has fit in well here.

I took Buggyboo, the kitten from the Belinger road colony, up to Portland Friday evening.   It was a very long drive due to congestion on the way up and on the way back.   But it was worth it to leave him in the hands of a very capable adoption group.

I was so tired by Friday evening, I stopped at the rest area when I finally got there, after leaving off Buggyboo, and slept a bit before driving the rest of the way home.  I had another doctors appointment Friday afternoon, like the Friday before, for my ringing ear, the third attempt to get in there in as many weeks, but once again they cancelled it last minute.  Three times now.   I won't make another that they will just cancel last minute.  Its pointless.   Three times?   I think I have water in my ear.  When I bend over and turn my head there is a whoosh sound like water moving.  It will work out eventually I hope.


  1. Those sound like high anxiety dreams that I would be glad to wake up from. The grape juice looks delicious.

    1. It seems to be how my brain rids itself of all the animal suffering, or at least deals with it somewhat, after a big project and seeing too much awfulness.

  2. I am so sorry about those dreams. They would haunt me.
    We still have no rain. And need it.
    Some world wide weather moderation would be nice.
    The gleaners group sounds good - as does your grape juice. Wine next?

    1. Well, I only have them when very tired out from a very stressful job. We are getting lots of rain. Maybe 3 more inches end of week and weekend. We got one inch in a day last Saturday night. I love the gleaners group. I get good food that I could never otherwise afford and also human contact that is delightful. I made wine once when I first moved here and Jack, the grumpy old neighbor was still alive. I made dandelion wine, three bottles of it, from his backyard dandelions blooms. I stowed it away three months, gave him one bottle and drank the other two and I thought it was delicious. I haven't tried it since but it might be time.

  3. I once had fresh, homemade grape juice. It was the best I've ever tasted.

    1. It sure is easy to make. My brother and wife make theirs by just washing them and depositing them in a food processor. That way they got the benefit of the skins and the seeds. Also its really a fast way to do it. This was way I used was fast too.

  4. If sleeping works for you, you should continue to do it. This is a good time of year to get some rest.

    1. Great time of year for long naps and reading books.

  5. They are strange dreams. Are these normal dreams or has something triggered them?

    1. They are triggered by stressful horrible animal situations I encounter and when I can't solve them, like that colony Rosy came from and the kitten, Buggy---Rosy had that hard plastic over her head. More cats out there, fed only once a week, anyhow, situations everywhere like this. It gets to me, Andrew and invades my dreams even in strange ways.

    2. On my mind lately, the failure of our biggest richest shelter, to take in strays in the county where they sit or honor their statements that they would change nothing at the spay neuter clinic when they took it over in Salem, has probably led to dreams of distrust in shelters and their intent, but where did Springfield pop up to come out in my dreams, I don't know except I was chatting online with a friend who lives in Springfield recently I guess. Losing my own cats or finding myself in a bad situation with cats and unable to protect them is often the subject of nightmares. I only have nightmares when exhausted from working a bad situation that I feel I can't adequately deal with.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....