Tuesday, October 29, 2024


 I am so tired of the constant election ads.   I've gotten dozens of election slicks--all from two opposing candidates for congress, one democrat, one republican.  I would love to punish both, by not voting for either of them.  I hate those election slicks.   They're just dumping excess campaign cash into them.  Nobody pays any attention to them, that I know.

I live in a world where every penny counts and these elections drive me batty because I see literally piles of money, that could be used for good things, going up in smoke.

I realize the tremendous importance of this election.   I will vote.   But I might be a disallusioned voter.  

We have tremendous problems in Oregon, problems neither side ever addresses.   

I despise the follower mentality, the godification of candidates, the blindness of following.   

If Trump is elected and he follows through with his threats to deport all illegal immigrants, for instance, I bet half our county would be gone and employers would be scrambling like crazy to find employees.  Seriously its so ironic in many ways that so many people living in an ultra conservative county are likely illegal and working for outwardly ultra conservatives who would be up a creek without them.  It will be interesting to say the least.

When people began calling me about how awful it was that haitians were eating cats and dogs somewhere in Ohio maybe, knowing that was fake news, I would just tell them worry more about all the animal abuse here, in our little county, by good old American citizens.  When we rid ourselves of animal abuse, neglect and abandonment here, then you can worry about somewhere else.

Anyhow, I hope there's no temper tantrum crap like the January 6 thing from before.   Sore losers are an embarrassment too.     Anyhow, that's life here now and has been for years.   

I have views, opinions, but they don't match up completely with either party.  I don't know a lot about everything on earth. I know very little about world economics, for instance.  It cracks me up to see online that a lot of people think they are experts at all kinds of things.   I like to comment things like, "I haven't recently studied the relations between oceanic temperature and Gulf Stream micro changes in loss of Greenland ice pack."   Lol.  Also I don't see how bombing children can ever bring about peace.  I cannot sleep nights if I hear news of more children being torn apart by bombs and I don't see how anyone can.  I want to cover them with my body.  I want to somehow protect them all.   I can't.

Why do grown ups want to kill each other in the name of this or that or anything really.

Is it all hormones?   I know I'm diverging, but I think about that kid, from a couple weeks ago, 15 years old, in that affluent suburb of Seattle, who recently shot his parents and three siblings, tried to place blame on one sibling, whom he had killed.   A sister, just 11, survived the horror.    WTH?

I think of the video I saw recently, of a gang of teens beating up a kid in the street and a woman, a teacher, weaves her way into the violence to throw her body over that child being beaten.  The attackers ran.

Courage. Decency.  Independent thinker.  There were plenty of others standing around doing nothing but watching.

I despise followers.  I'll vote.  But I might leave a few lines blank if I think they're just blind followers.


  1. Sigh. And the post mortems will go on for weeks too.

    1. Oh gosh, yes, the talkers, yap yap yap. Tiresome!

  2. I actually know one person who is not voting for a candidate who is filling her mailbox with slicks. I don't know anyone else who pays attention to them, and I wonder about the money spent on them, too.

    1. Lol, I don't blame that person. It's like the two opposing candidates I get them from are screaming back and forth at one another in my mailbox and want to tell them, "take it elsewhere". The waste of money is disgusting to me too.

  3. Sometimes putting yourself in the line of fire can work, and other times you will end up among the victims.

    1. Probably most of the time, its a pointless place to put oneself. That teacher didn't hesitate, in the video. When there's a situation of violence like in that video, I think I'd freeze and not act like she did so instantly.

  4. The slicks don't make it from my mailbox to my home. (We have a mail room with the mailbox. There's a trash can there...) I voted already, like two, three (?) weeks ago, so all the commercials and such are wasted on me.

    1. I haven't voted yet. We've had some idiot running around putting incindiary devices in ballot boxes, in Portland and Vancouver. Some middle aged guy in a volvo. So my neighbor says she's not mailing hers and not putting it in a ballot box either. tomorrow we're going to take them personally to the election office to hand in.

  5. Kamala will win, and then we will have court battles, violence, and a lot of other bad things. But the alternative would be a thousand times worse. I don't sound hopeful, but I am.

    1. An optimist! Sort of. I have no idea what will happen but its Trump we're talking about, and he likes to incite things and is not a graceful loser. I can't stomach the thought really of four years of toddler like temper trantrums, hearing who he's mad at today or threatening each day, omg I just can't stand to think of it. Around here its Trump country.

  6. For whatever reason we've received very little political mail, and most of it has been regarding proposed amendments and propositions. All go in the recycling bin.

  7. I'm also a disgruntled voter, and I definitely think there will be a debacle like Jan 6 again. BTW, that used to be "3 Kings Day", or "Little Christmas", now it is just "January 6" and associated with 2021

    1. I didn't know that Danielle, that January 6, before the storming of the capitol, had other significance. I will look those up.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....