Sunday, December 15, 2024

Retro and Oddities

How about some retro photos?

Who can guess what the above photo is?

It's me, when at the fairgrounds, where a med school student gave me my first Covid vaccine.  I was lined up with hundreds of other people.

And this is me again in above photo.  Well, its my face.  My first face swap use of AI.  Here's the original:

I like the mentality expressed so much that I swapped out the original face for mine.   I was going to print the swap out photo to include in my Christmas cards this year but my printer quit.  Ah, its fate I assume.

And there was the photo below I took one harried day two or three years ago when I finally realized I was wearing two different shoes.  A new fashion?   

And this photo, when I finally found my lost TV remote, after weeks of search efforts.

What about this proud moment, when I ran over a tire in the fast lane of the freeway on the way to Salem early morning with cats.  It left my rear bumper attached by one clip and dragging.  I was lucky to live through that one.   This photo shows off my detached rear bumper!!!  In its glory.

And how about the Leathers gas station parrot, complete with his own heater.   Take your pet to work day!  

Lastly, I leave you with the saxaphone man.  I encountered him playing to a crowd of none in an abandoned quarry I drove through when I was  after, you guessed it, cats!  



  1. You were wrong - at least briefly saxaphone man had an audience of one (and the cats).
    I have not experimented at all with AI.

    1. I keep saying I won't experiment, but I may be unable to not. Can you tell I'm making an attempt finally to organize my photos and delete repeats and can't remembers?

  2. Really interesting photos. Thanks for the tour.

    1. You're touring my disorganized photo files as I attempt to organize and minimize them.


Retro and Oddities

How about some retro photos? Who can guess what the above photo is? It's me, when at the fairgrounds, where a med school student gave me...