Saturday, September 21, 2024

Last Week

 A week ago, after delivering the kittens and mom to Portland, the little family from the Gills Landing colony, I thought relaxation was in order.   And mostly it was.

Except I'd got a message from a woman living down south of Brownsville and decided to take a drive down and deliver her flea meds and wormer.  She had found a kitten out on Brush Creek road.  Brush Creek runs from near Crawfordsville down to Marcola, near Springfield and is the preferred backroad shortcut by many.

The kitten was in a ditch and she and her kids took it back to their place.  Then she contacted me.  The kitten had wounds all over its body and a badly swollen raw rectum that seeped blood and poo.

Too much for her and for me.  But first I had to find someone who'd take it.  No rescues or shelters would.  Already full.   And a sick injured kitten is a liability to a rescue or shelter.

Little Kitten right after the family found him in ditch Tuesday the kitten was much worse and I went on down to get the kitten, and by then, a vet tech at Alpine agreed to take him on.  I took him straight to Alpine Animal Hospital.  A few days later, today, the kitten finally had a hard turd.  Yay for that.  He's been on antibiotics and probiotics.

But his butt looked like this, which is so painful for a little one

The video above was from last night, sent to me by his vet tech hero.  He's just a little love and had his first solid turd, cause for celebration!

Hopefully his recovery will continue.

Monday I have five spots in Salem.   Next month I have only five spots there.  So every spot is like gold.

Another of the now teenage Pioneer Villa kittens will go, the last needing fixed.  A lady in Lebanon has been fostering them.  Another 7-11 colony teenager will go.   The colony feeder lady will bring her down to Albany from Sweet Home, which I appreciate.   Then a Lebanon lady has been trapping the ones she feeds.  She already got six fixed at FCCO.  She caught two more last night but is gone today for a wedding.  I just went over and picked up the two she'd caught and set another of her traps and Julie is going to check it since there are already fixed and ear tipped cats there.

Otherwise I'm just dorking around.   And have been all week, trying to recuperate still, from the exhaustion of the Gills Landing colony.  You'd think I'd be over it by now.  Finally got all the traps cleaned and put away, at least.  Still need to find two barn homes for two pairs from there or one that will take all four.  All four are now fixed and have tested negative.    Two very bonded adults, a male and a female, boy is light colored.  Then a  pair of teenage boys from there.


  1. I am not surprised you are tired. You do such good work and it is never ending. And tiring both physically and emotionally.

    1. Well, kind of forced break. Only got five spots next month in Salem, they're cutting back again.

  2. The kitten looks so good. The outcome surprised me and well done with your efforts.

    1. Well, I didn't do much except go down there twice, the last time to bring him to the vet and his vet tech foster who does all the work now for him. but thanks! I guess it wouldn't have happened if the kitten finder hadn't messaged me.

  3. I'm happy the kitten is still with us. Thanks for the rescue.

  4. I'm thrilled that this little dude has gotten proper care. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And the same goes for that vet tech. I think every such rescue attempt gives these caregivers more information that will save future distressed animals. It's how I comfort myself over the ridiculous attempts to save our dear Luna in 2014 from breast cancer. My husband agreed to aggressive surgery against my better judgment; he didn't want to see me heartbroken. Hugs, my dear.

  5. Of course you didn't get much of a break. I'm glad the kitten is on the mend.

    1. Yeah, he'll be well enough for a neuter job soon.


Back up Quartzville

 The slide that has kept Quartzville road closed since mid December has been cleared now, as of last week.  The slide closed the road at mil...