Monday, September 23, 2024

Fill the Spots and Then Some

 I had five spots today.   It's not hard to find five unfixed cats.  Not around here.

A lady brought me three of her unfixed horde, from Lacomb.  19 more cats and kittens there need fixed.  Three is a start.  I had her bring females.

Mama, Remi and Lulu are the lucky three.   Remi and Lulu overnighted in my bathroom, to give them some roam space and a litter box.  




I had been going to take three kittens trapped in a backyard in Lebanon.  There are more there too, needing caught, but not too many more.  She'd already gotten six in to FCCO to be fixed.   But adults trump kittens in the fight for spay neuter spots.

So I chose to take the first three adults from the Lacomb situation instead.  Not only because they're adults but because it gives a person with that many unfixed cats hope, that there is an end in sight.

I had the three kittens in my car with five adults at the OHSS clinic early this morning.  Last minute, the tech at Alpine said they could be done there today.  So I was going to drive there after checking in the five at the Salem clinic.  However, I ran into a long time respected rescuer, Rhonda, in the parking lot and wanted to show her Charr, the unusual chocolate tux of the three kittens.  And she took her!!!   Charr is a pushover to tame.  I knew that already.

So I then headed to Alpine with two of the kittens instead of three.   But I'm ahead of myself.  Who are the other two adults getting fixed at the Salem clinic?    

Well, one of them is Moe.  Moe is one of the four I caught, in an all nighter down at Pioneer Villa last spring.  A Lebanon woman took them in to foster, but they broke out in ringworm and its been a long haul.  Finally three of the four were fixed and the girl got a home.  Just Moe still needed fixed, so he is today.

The fifth cat being fixed is Siete, a torti tux from yet another place in Lebanon.  She had seven kittens but they are now weaned.  There are more there also needing fixed but Siete is the starter cat.

I could not wait to drive back from the Salem clinic.  That's because I had a fully punched coffee card for the stand I stop by, in Jefferson.  It meant going through three school zones, to get to the coffee stand, from Salem, but I couldn't help myself.  I was excited, knowing I had a free drink coming and they gave me a huge one, for the punched card.   I felt so smug and self satisfied.

So I was a little late getting to Alpine with two kittens.  Meanwhile Julie from Lebanon messaged she'd got the pregnant muted torti manx, in her hood. The people who sort of partially own her gave up her two older kittens too, both manx, one a Siamese in heat five month old manx.   I was elated.   So she drove her over to Alpine and arrived just as I was checking in the two Lebanon kittens--Whisper and Tawny.  I don't have a photo of her.  

So 8 being fixed today, while one, Charr, headed off to a new better life.

That's Charr up front, a chocolate tux, with Tawny on the right and Whisper peeking from behind Tawny.  Congratulations Charr!


  1. WONDERFUL news - and I am glad you enjoyed a free coffee too.

    1. Yeah, anything free, eh? I love it.

  2. I never saw a cat I didn't like, but that Charr is a looker! Good luck to all of them. You're giving them a chance now.

    1. Charr is a looker with a personality to match!

  3. Charr is an attractive cat.
    It is so exciting when that free coffee is coming your way.

    1. What is it about getting something free? Sure makes me feel special or like I pulled off some big manuever.

  4. That's quite the bunch. And free coffee too. Nice day.

    1. Very productive good day, especially with the free coffee.

  5. Great job! And I'm glad you enjoyed a perk. Hugs and best wishes, my dear.


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