Thursday, March 23, 2023

Trying to Keep my Internet

 UPDATE:  All good.  Got the ACP!

I am trying to keep an internet connection.  My brother was helping with the bill but can't anymore.  He gave me a link to the ACP (Affordable Connectivity Program).  

I applied and was approved.  This is a federal program that reimburses internet providers with $30 a month towards internet, to help keep people connected.   So it should be simple then, right?  To give the approved application number to my internet provider (Xfinity) and get the discount?  

Ha!   You'd be wrong.  

It's been a nightmare.  I've talked to four different customer service reps from Xfinity.  None of these folks can speak or understand English very well.  It's very hard to understand what they're saying.   I assume they have trouble understanding what I say also.   I got a response last week from Xfinity that I didn't qualify since there was an application error.  So what would that be.  I sent their application again, although I have no idea why you have to qualify with Xfinity when I already qualified with the feds.   Wouldn't the approved fed application number, which I supplied, be enough?

Wait a week, try again, which I did, to no avail.  Again I try customer service.  Again its so sketchy trying to understand the person who answers, with their severe accent, and inability at English, it was useless.  Again they try to push me to change phone service to Xfinity also.  WTF.  What do they not understand?  I tell them again I'm not interested in a phone, that I can't even afford internet unless I get this ACP discount.   I get the royal once over again, where you are on the phone, transferred to someone else, say it all again, and finally hang up knowing full well you're just getting pissed on.

I can hear speeches in the background then clapping behind the customer service call and can envision a manager hovering over their service reps, urging them on to make deals, and someone makes some sale, and the clapping.   Oh shit, I think, I'm screwed when this is their customer service environment.  I can imagine when they "transfer" me to like their "retention" department, that they really hand it off, suppressing laughter, to the person next to them.

It's hopeless at this point I think to myself.  I may end up without internet.  It's far too expensive without at least the discount (only a discount to me, Xfinity still gets the full amount) but its hopeless to get beyond their customer service that exists only on paper somewhere.  These internet providers seem so sketchy to me, trying to conceal prices, push services you don't want, like sleazy used car lot salesmen.

Verizon, who touts $25 a month internet, but only for those who also have their mobiles, has no service in my zip.   Wish me luck.  I found out there's an Xfinity store in another town and next week I'll head there.


  1. Good luck, and keep on them. Hubby spent hours with Spectrum last month trying to get them to lower the price of our Internet/TV. He eventually had success, and I hope you will also.

    1. Thanks its like, in a way, dealing with a group of criminally malignant toddlers.

  2. "to offer financial assistance to low income people in a user friendly and practical manner."
    No, no. Too complicated.
    "to offer financial assistance to low income people."

    1. Try yet again Andrew. Lol. It was quite easy with the federal application. But then you deal with the private company, who resist at all levels it seems and make it so difficult.

  3. Probably half of all Americans qualify for the ACP, which is alarming enough. If they know about it. I knew nothing of it until my brother discovered it.

  4. It's time to make the internet a public utility. Although, that would probably make things worse. Sorry you're going through this. It's sad that it ends up a monopoly in areas, so you're stuck with one bad choice. In my area, we have two bad choices. I hate both companies, but I need internet...

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure what to do at this point. HOpe for the best I guess.

  5. For those who had limited income, getting though the amaze of bureaucracy one can be banging there head against wall.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  6. I really, really hope you can retain your internet access.

  7. We reached the point in our society where almost any business you want to do requires the internet. It's a necessity not a luxury. I hope you have better success when you talk to someone in person at the Xfinity store. When we have gone to one here, they have been very friendly and helpful.

    1. It went through. I got it! Now i have to try to deal with them on getting a cheaper plan. (dread, dread)


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