Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Cascadia Shooting

 A friend messaged me last night, with a link to a Sweet HOme news story.  Officer involved shooting up in Cascadia on Hgh Deck Road.

A brief news bit on the shooting here.

If only the stories of Cascadia would be widely told, maybe things would get better up there.  I call it the place of last resort.

The first thing I asked was "which camp"?     I still don't know but it was close to several and not sure if the guy who got killed was living at any of the camps I've been to, trying to get cats out or fixed.   The details are still not out on what happened.

It's a wild area, full of meth heads of all kinds, some I would call extremely dangerous.

I quit going up there to help cats since I felt I was taking my life into my hands after the third time getting threatened.

The natural beauty up there is spectacular but its overgrown by human ugliness.

Drugs.  Lots of drugs.  And drug carnaged minds.

I've got one Cascadia cat here--Meadow, a cross-eyed older Siamese female who was in terrible trouble at a camp, with nowhere to turn for safety.

Meadow, formerly of Cascadia


  1. Meadow looks so relaxed now. She really appeals to me. I've just noticed the video in the sidebar. Miss Daisy was certainly having good fun.

    1. She's a sweet cat and happy to have food and a safe place. Miss Daisy loved to have fun.

  2. There quite a few places I won't go. Because I'm afraid someone might take pop shot at me.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. I am glad that you made the decision to stop going there - and sorry for the cats. Meadow is a lucky one.

    1. Meadow is lucky and very sweet too. There's nothing I can do about Cascadia. I've taken dozens of cats out of there, over a few years and got dozens more fixed. KATA did too. Once KATA got 44 cats fixed at a camp, then the guy who owned it broke up with his homeless girlfriend and told everyone to get out. They left all the cats and KATA went in and trapped them all again, to find dozens of cats homes. I helped at the end. That was right before Vicki of KATA died. The people moved to different locations in the area, got more cats, didn't fix them.....on and on it goes.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...