Friday, February 10, 2023


This is me now that the inspection is over.   On the recliner lounging around with my cats.   

Its good to have to work at getting everything in shape, with an inspection to think about.  But after its over......ha.   Forget about it.   Taking it easy.

But, the window is still not repaired.   I called the glass shop again yesterday and they said maybe they'd do it by today.

Losing my petsitter already.   She's only done it twice, the last time was Christmas when I was gone 24 hours.  Her nephew found a Sweet Home lot, really close to the lake, and hopes to buy it with the preapproved loan and then with the rest of the money he'll get from the loan, she'll buy a used mobile home to move onto it.  It looks really nice from the photos.  He's buying out her half of her mom's house that both she and her brother inherited, only her brother gave his half to his son, her nephew, and she's been trying to find somewhere to move to ever since, on the 150k he'll owe her for her half.   She feeds the park cats too, so I asked her if she'll take the three of them with her.  She said she might.  Otherwise I might have to drive clear over there everyday.  She lives now about five miles from the park.  Now she'll be living two minutes from the lake.  She's wanted out of that Lebanon house, which is on a very very busy street, since her mother died a couple years ago.

I don't have any other ideas yet on who I might get to petsit now and then.  I had very much hoped to somehow go see my Idaho brother this summer but its so far, plane tickets so expensive and still I'd have to get to the Portland airport and pay to park several days, the train doesn't go to Boise and the bus takes about 14 hours one way.   The cheapest fastest way to get there is to drive straight across--8 hours.  But my car has too many miles to do that to it.   Well, I can't go without finding an affordable petsitter though and that is not an easy task, I have discovered.   


  1. Inspection? Did I miss a blog post?

    I hope you find a pet sitter. It sounds like your friend is going to have a good new living situation. I Hope it all works out.

    1. No, I get inspected every year, being on housing assistance. It's propels me to get lots of projects done every time. Yes, its a really good place if it works out. She'll love it and is very excited.

    2. It's funny though how once it was over, I completely lost interest in more projects.

  2. Maybe one of your helpers like the vet students might want to pet sit?

    1. They're way too busy as 3rd year students. One of them is taking on 9 classes this year. She has zero free time.

    2. Wow. Nine classes is a lot!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....