Sunday, February 12, 2023

Old Photo Day

I'm posting some old photos today.  Like the above photo of Vista House in the Columbia River Gorge.  You go there, on the old scenic gorge highway, to experience the high winds, when they hit.  At least, that's what many of us do.  You can be blown away!  Or for spectacular views of the gorge.

It's a long way to the top of Multnomah Falls but sure is great exercise.  Nowadays you have to get an online permit with a short window to get in and out, to go there, at least during peak season.  When the FCCO clinic was on the east side of the Willamette River and congestion far less, I'd drop off the cats and head out to the gorge and hike one of the many trails.  Now with congestion so bad, you have to stick pretty close to the west side clinic, or you may not make it back to pick up the cats on time.  Looking down from the top.

The Columbia River Gorge

This sign shows you, only four switchbacks to go, to get to the top.

I haven't hiked in the gorge for several years now.

Here are some photos from when I met a Portland friend at the State Fair.  This was years ago.  She'd brought some young relatives down, who wanted to go on rides.  I'm not a big county or state fair fan.  I don't like to look at the soon to be auctioned off 4H animals.  Why would I want to look at condemned animals.  I don't like looking at row after row, room upon room, of people's art, canned goods, pies, bread, etc.   Just not into it.  The bizarre booths and freak acts I do like.   Why?  Probably we shouldn't go there.

Why we go anyway----the food!

Some of the activities I have gone to in the past were so fun.  Like the Oregon Country Fair.  I love the bands they have.  But it is horribly crowded.  It's claustraphobic crowded now.  They have "trails" through the venue, but with the increase in its popularity and the population, they can become so crowded you cannot even move forward or backward or sideways or any which way.   It's a hippy festival that draws people from all over, even my very conservative father, when he was alive.  He had a specific reason for going--to see bare breasted women.   

Also I've been to a couple salmon bakes and enjoyed those low key gatherings.  This fall I'd like to go to the Blues Festival on the coast.



  1. What a great array of photos. Everything seems to get spoilt by being overcrowded now but that is only noticed by we people of a certain age who experienced the past.

    1. Yeah, us oldies remember when.....fill in blanks. It was nice to go there anytime in the past, to the gorge trailheads. But oh well.

  2. The gorge looks stunning. I don't know if I'd want to go there with gusting winds, though. I'm not a fan of high winds.

    1. There are probably lots of Vista House, Crown Point wind videos out there.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....