Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Kittens

 Michief and Delilah aren't taming as fast as Zippy and Silly did.  They are coming around.

Both are finally over URI's and diarrhea, which is a good thing.  Took quite a lot of persistence to get the diarrhea taken care of, and finally a one dose coccidia treatment cleared it up in one day.  Yes, one day.  Like magic.

They are not tame enough to go into Kitten Caboose this Friday, when they had the appointments, which is disappointing but not surprising.   

I thought I had a back up plan, when a Portland group offered to take them back over a week ago, then renigged and it was as if we hadn't even talked about it, which we had done, rather extensively.   I thought, ok, there's something wrong there, with that lady, if she doesn't seem to even remember our plans over it.

I have to figure  something out for them but for now, they're fine and coming around.  And hopefully in a couple weeks, they can still get into Kitten Caboose.

Delilah looks bigger in the photo than she is.  Her head cups in my hand and is about the size of my palm.   She has the most incredible ears.  She sometimes sits with them laid straight back, so she looks like she doesn't have ears from the right angle.   She purrs her head off routinely. Mischief finally started purring today, when I flea combed her.  She loved it, and didn't want me to stop.  She's the wilder of the two.

I got five cancellation appointments next Monday at the Salem clinic.  I was thrilled.   I called a lady on my list, with two females and another with a feral teen living in a relatives basement.   The other teen he was able to catch and we got him fixed but he got scratched up badly trying to get the other and never caught him.  Hopefully he will be successful this weekend.  This time they're just going to trap him.  The other two are for cats from a Brooks lady with quite a few living in her yard.  Hopefully she'll be quickly successful getting a couple of them.  Even two will be a big help to her.

I've been doing projects like crazy.  Yesterday I got all the hanging catnip ground up.  Took hours but was happy to get that processed.   Should have been done months ago, as it had dried.  I hang it upside down in the garage to dry after cutting it from my yard.  Then strip off leaves, buds, flowers, once dry, and grind it up in my food processor.  Got three huge containers full of ground catnip now.

The day before that I worked to make a shelf for Gigi, so she can look out the garage window.   I had rearranged the garage the day before and now the old futon is where her chair used to be.  She'd sit atop that chair, that rocks, slamming it against the garage door when she'd jump to the back, so she could look from the back of the chair out the window.   Anyhow, she was very upset to find the chair moved, so I spent hours making a stand and shelf out of old wood from other things.  

I'd installed a cat door too, instead of just a hole, for entry exit.  I got that cat door like ten years ago from a thrift store, never used it, was going to send it back to a thrift store when cleaning the garage, decided to put it in the hole.  But so far, she's not liking it. Tough luck girl.  It has a slider plastic to lock it shut.  This morning I see that something tried to get through it from the outside.   Not Gigi, she was in.

She loves the shelf and spends a good deal of time on it.   I had to stabilize it with the orange strap so it wouldn't slam against the garage door and break the window when she jumps on it.

Our weather was rainy and icky until yesterday.  It was very nice yesterday albeit cold.   It was nice to have a break from rain.


  1. Well done on clearing up the diarrhea. If they are purring for you they are well on the way to being tamed.
    Glad you got some sunshine.

    1. Thanks EC! I hope they come around fast now. They're so darn cute.

  2. It's nice to get projects done. Hopefully the kittens will tame sooner rather than later. If the lady doesn't recall the conversation... Yeah, that's troubling.

    1. Yeah, I've put off these projects forever and I'd like to put off the rest even longer. I don't know how in the world she'd forget the whole conversation unless she didn't mean it at the time, regretted it later, so pretended it never happened? Or maybe was too tired to recall it. That's happened to me before.

  3. I think that now that the kittens are feeling better, they will tame faster. They were too sick to do much more that deal with that. You've been busy with all of your projects. I know why cats love hanging out with you.

    1. I hope so L and L. When you're sick its tough to be bugged about anything. Yes, been busy and now I've got to try to catch remaining cats tomorrow at that big Shedd colony, the kittens colony. Caretakers daughter got ten more spots for Friday. I'm not sure if there are ten more needing caught or not. They come and go, at odd times. When I trapped last time, I caught two blacks with a third I could have trapped had I had more spots and I hadn't seen any all blacks except a kitten before that. So we shall see. I gave myself two days to catch as many as possible.

  4. You're so good to kitties. :D That's weird about the woman forgetting. I'm sorry that plan fell through. And Delilah really has amazing ears. If not for the relaxed whiskers I'd think she was angry.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....