Friday, January 20, 2023

Bored Photos

 Trapping can be a lot of waiting.  Long long hours of waiting.

When I was out at the Scravel Cats colony, I got bored.  I had not brought a warm coat, being in a hurry when I'd headed out there, and it was very cold and very windy.   I did have blankets in the car, however.  

I amused myself taking lazy photos (from the car, without getting out).

Finally posting them.  They're just of some of the outbuildings and nearby places.

It's cat heaven out there.  They love to have so many nooks and crannies and old buildings.  They care nothing at all about the age of a structure or look of it to humans.  I think old buildings have character, weathered and lined and missing things, almost like the faces of old people.  These spanking new subdivisions, by comparison, where every place and yard look exactly the same, are so boring and ugly.


  1. Yes, the place definitely has character. I can imagine how boring it can be just waiting. (It's pretty easy for me, as my job frequently requires me to watch kiddos work, and when they're silent--like right now--it can get pretty boring.)

    1. I usually have a book along, or puzzles, can't nap when I have to watch the drop trap though.

  2. I agree with you about the new subdivisions. 'Little boxes... and they all look just the same'.

    1. Little boxes. I think it was Sting, in a song, described cars that way---"packed like lemmings into shiney metal boxes".

  3. You have a good eye for composition.

  4. Great photos! :D

    I agree that cookie cutter subdivisions are dull, even depressing. Funny enough, our home and the one directly across the street are structural mirror images of one another. I don't know about the inside. I've never been in that house and don't intend to now. A next door neighbor tells me they're hoarders.

    On a weird note, while we have general harmony here, every single family in that place has displayed chaos and discord. Then those folks either divorce and sell or face foreclosure. My heart hurts for this current young couple's little boy every time I see a police car parked there. ~sigh~ I make an effort to be friendly and the child seems happy and has jumped in my arms, after which I feel like washing my clothes since he's often pretty filthy.

    Sorry to expound so. Best wishes, my dear.

    1. Oh man, that's hard with a situation like that across the street. I have a similar situation but on the street behind.

  5. Nothing a coat of paint wouldn't fix.

    1. It makes me wonder what the property looked like say 30 years ago.

  6. Some very artsy pictures. Interesting to look at but wouldn't want to live there.

    1. No, be very cold and wet, too many holes in everything

  7. Photo tells a story. I enjoy looking at them.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....