Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Crispy Tofu and Red Curry

 I love curry.  

I usually make red curry with carrots, cabbage, peppers and spinach added with the coconut milk.  This time I had only cabbage and onions and garlic for the start, no carrots or peppers.  You then add the curry paste, the tamari, the lime juice, coconut milk and either spinach or kale.  I had no spinach, which I prefer, but I did have some chopped kale, so I used that.

To go with it, I cooked some rice.

I used tofu, too, for the protein.   It has a lot of calcium, although its fortified, not natural calcium.  I don't like tofu unless its crispy.   I watched a video on how to make tofu but I'm not that industrious.  Its not that difficult.  Its just soybean curd.

To crisp the tofu, you buy extra firm, squeeze out moisture, toss the cubes in olive oil, soy sauce (for flavor) and corn starch, so it will crisp up and bake it.

It came out very well for my lunch.  It really doesn't take much time.   I make the curry itself while the tofu is baking and the rice is steaming.    I had no jasmine rice, only brown long grain.  I need a grocery trip.  Especially after using the last of my vegees.

The rest of the rice will be to make something else.  

I drove all the way to the south coast Sunday to enjoy a birthday party for my great niece.  It was delightful with lots and lots of kids running around.  I had to crawl up my brother's front steps, my knee was so stiff after driving over 3 hours to get there.  My brother's knee, after replacement 7 months ago, isn't much better than mine.  And yesterday I could barely move, from the 7 hours of driving alone.   But it was fun.  Eli is a darling little girl.


  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I thought the creation might have been your Thanksgiving meal. Good that you had a fun time. Knee replacement can have a rather low success rate.

    1. Yeah, I'm not so sure its any better than before he had it done. He still thinks more time and it will improve and I"m thinking, seven months is a long time.

  2. Your curry looks and sounds great. I like tofu - but my partner refers to it as bean turd and rejects it.
    I am so glad that you had a wonderful time at your great niece's party - and hope that your poor knee recovers quickly.

    1. Me too, on my knee thing. I didn't help it any climbing around on a steep bank in deep berry vines looking for that kitten.

  3. It sure looks mouth watering.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. The curry and the tofu both look good. Sometimes, I don't like the texture of tofu, but crisping it up sounds like it might fix that.

    I'm glad you got to spend a little time with your family and hopefully, your knee will get better in a day or two.

    1. Tofu texture is awful. I won't eat unless crispified.

  5. The term 'bean turd' made me giggle. Your meal sounds delicious and I appreciate the recipe. I like to make split pea soup with curry powder. Yum...

    I'm so glad you got to enjoy time with family. ~hugs~ I wish your knee wasn't causing you pain, though.

    As for joint replacement surgery, my mother had one done and it benefited her exactly zero as I'd expected. I would have vetoed it if I'd had a voice in the matter. In fact, toward the end of her life it caused her leg bone to break (!), adding insult to injury.

    Be well, my dear.

    1. HAHAHA, bean turd. Did I say that? I'm innocent, I tell you. I meant.....


End of Warmth

 We had some nice days.   But the heat is gone. We'll be in the 60's again for awhile, with perhaps some drizzle. I love the heat.  ...