Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Playing Game Cam in a Barn

 I was on track to trap a 12 cat colony in Jefferson, and transport them to the FCCO after the first to be fixed.  But now the caretaker said she's only seeing one cat.   It was less than a month ago she contacted me to say there were 12.  Now down to one?   

It's quite possible they have been eaten by coyotes.  Where they live and behind the barn is active large pack coyote country.  I decided to set up a trail cam in the barn, where she had fed the cats, to see if possibly there are more.  But she had first told me she only fed when she was right there, then would take the food away, which would explain why most are gone---they got no food.

I deployed one of the game cams gifted me by the Lacomb colony lady, after taking 22 of hers to the FCCO earlier.  I strapped it to a 4 x 4 in the barn, where they feed, although in the two days I went there, I saw not a crumb of food out.

Here's the show I got from the SD card:  one torti and several possums wander the barn.

The torti was out to eat literally four minutes after I set up the camera.  Ha!

Blogger keeps uploading videos as images, so don't know how to solve that one either.  

To go from 12 cats down to 1, well I cancelled most of the reservations I had and will catch the one (I hope) in Jefferson and then go back and try for stragglers at the Lebanon junk shop colony, which is always a challenge.  But now, with only a handful not fixed, it will be quite the challenge.


  1. If the torti was out to eat that quickly I think (hope) she will be caught easily. I am sad to learn of the probable fate of the others though.
    Good luck - for you and for the cats.

    1. Yes, she should be easy to catch, that's for sure. I removed the game cam today. On it, just more possums, mostly the same ones, a raccoon and the torti. But I may be seeing two tortis. One looks a little different, but unfortunately the exposure isn't good during daylight. I pointed the camera at an opening to outside, so the exposure is for that opening, not the inside.

  2. If coyotes are really eating the cats, I hope the one torti is tame enough to find a home although I understand that coyotes have to eat, too.

    1. I think it much more likely she just wasn't feeding them. I haven't seen any food put out whatsoever in the three times I've gone out. I'm getting lied to big time out there. I have to figure a way to either get her to feed the cat routinely or give the cat up.

  3. That's a tricky situation, for sure. Best wishes!

    1. Yeah, I haven't yet solved my problem with new blogger and the comment section, when commenting on other blogs. Given up.

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Nature seemingly solved a problem. Easiest to upload your vids to YT then insert them to the post using the add video/YouTube.

    1. Just figured that out, Andrew, as blogger no longer will upload a video, just as an image. I don't know why.

  5. Another challenge I'm sure you'll overcome. :) Best wishes!

    1. I hope, had nightmares over it last night, knowing that poor cat likely isn't being fed.

  6. Now I see my earlier comment. ~rolls eyes at self~ Take care!


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.