Sunday, November 22, 2020

Alone in a Covid World

 As Oregon cases skyrocket, as protesters gather to scream against any restrictions, as hospital beds fill across the country, to overflowing in some parts, I sit alone, watching it happen on my computer screen with little input from the real world.  

The holidays approach and they will pass with me still sitting here, waiting, in the dark mostly, since it gets dark so early in the winter.  I am waiting for a vaccine to free me from isolation, from talking to myself, from trying to think up more projects to do, or from digging under beds and through bookshelves for some book I may not have read.

I am over and done with pretending.  I'm not going chant the Portland news slogan in my head, since there's nobody anywhere near to hear anyway, "We're in this together."  We are certainly not in "this" whatever "this" is, together.   Half the country still believes the virus is a hoax.  

It's darn lonely, is what it is.  I punch numbers on the phone screen but no one answers.  I uselessly cruise facebook but the people on facebook aren't people I even know.

That's life I guess and this may go on for months longer.  Nobody paid the virus any attention here in the states, particularly our dear soon to be former leader, which is why we find ourselves, why I find myself once again tonight---alone, in the dark, waiting.

When I get that vaccine, finally, I'm going to celebrate. Then I I'll wave around that vaccine paper proof and say "Come on over" to anyone I want.  


  1. Trying yet again.
    A vaccine cannot come soon enough.
    We ARE all in this together - but we are not in the same boat. Some boats are MUCH better equipped than others.

  2. Anonymous12:52 AM

    But only if they have the vaccine too.

  3. You have just beautifully expressed one of the hardest parts of this pandemic--the isolation. Can you get some books from the library?

    1. Libraries are currently closed but no, I don't get books at the library for a simple reason---my darn cats and their propensity to destroy them. I don't want to have to pay out for my cats behavior and its happened twice. So I rely on my reading friends and usually that works but I haven't even seen my elderly Corvallis reader friend for months and she's my main supplier.

    2. My cats seem especially attracted to library books. Must have dozens of interesting foreign smells from all sorts of people and objects and animals, from where they've been.

  4. I'm sorry your days are so dark and lonely. ~hugs~ It's sunny here today after a dreary weekend. And on that note, I should get out and walk. Hang in there.

    1. I'll survive, I have it easy compared to some. But it is hard to be alone all the time.

    2. Too bad we can't scoop you up. :) But you'll survive, for sure. I have no doubt.


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.