Monday, October 19, 2020

16 Fixed FCCO

 I took the 16 cats from the Lebanon colony to be fixed up in Portland yesterday.  

Check in time was 7:30 a.m. so I left at 6:00 a.m. to be sure to arrive on time.  This meant getting up at 5:00 a.m.   I only had time for half a cup of coffee before loading the cats and heading out.

I took Tylenol Friday night for my knee, thinking maybe it would help but not hurt my stomach like Aleve does, if I take it day in and day out.  But I took Aleve again yesterday morning and by afternoon, again.

I napped a couple of hours in my car after dropping off the cats.  I was bored, and tried calling people.

I went to a couple stores to get a few groceries that don't require refrigeration.

The hours passed somehow.  I headed back to the FCCO arriving at 3:30 just as I got a call from them to ask if I was nearby, that I could check out.  I'd been told to arrive at 4:00 so I was very happy about being able to get the cats at 3:30 and head home.  I was home by 5:00 and in bed by 7:00 p.m. because I was tired.  

I felt very happy to get that colony done in a week.  They're supposed to watching for any without ear tips.  I'd taken six kittens from there to Portland last Tuesday.  Another group came and took five.  KATA now has two of the 8 week old kittens and yesterday, the colony caretakers caught the last two of the 8 week olds.  A friend who wanted one of them went and picked up both.  I'll  pick up the one they do not keep today and take him or her to KATA.  

So in one weeks time, 15 kittens out of there and 20 cats fixed. (16 yesterday and 4 last Wednesday).

Not bad.

One of the six girls fixed today

Another girl

Another girl

Girl, obviously, being muted calico

Muted torti girl

I'll have to look up the number of the sixth girl fixed.  I know for sure of five of the six.

I'll take all 16 back this morning.  Unless they've seen any others without ear tips up there in the last day, I'll be done with my involvement in this colony.  35 cats and a week later.


  1. I know nothing about cat colonies, but 35 seems large to me. Is it?

  2. That's amazing! Well done.

    1. No. Thank *you*. ~grin~ And thanks for your kind remarks about that lost cat.

      I had no doubt of the authenticity. When the man called he said their little girl had been crying herself to sleep and sounded almost like he had tears in *his* voice. I received a clearly identifying photo immediately after.

      Then, when I arrived at the police station's safe zone, he and his wife were already there. He all but leapt out of his truck asking, 'Where's the cat?' Cleo (odd name for a male but who cares?) snuggled in the man's arms and all three were clearly happy as we humans chatted for a few minutes.

      What a joy, and a relief. However sweet, that kitty was a curious handful and a bottomless pit eating up all Jezebel's food!

      On another note, one local gave me well meaning criticism via our neighborhood's Nextdoor link. She said I should not have taken him in and should let him back out, give him a chance to find his home. It would have saved me some stress and legwork if he didn't come back, but we're not so sure there would have been a happy ending.

      I learned he'd always been an indoor-only cat and, while within a mile or so behind ours, their home is situated at the bottom of a steep slope and hidden by an overgrown field. In the time it took to get atop our retaining wall, kitty picked up several ticks that our vet tech removed. If he'd been out overnight, I fear he would have been coyote prey.

      I'd appreciate your thoughts on the matter, by the way. ~hugs~ Be well!

  3. Your 'not bad' sounds pretty damn excellent to me. This must surely be one of the most hassle free colonies. Well done to you all.

  4. Wow! Congratulations on another job well done.

    1. Thank you L and L. I felt happy about it.

  5. What a good day's work !

  6. I would be tired also, after a long day like you had. Good job of reducing the colony.

    1. I slept most of the last two days. But I was happy to get that done. Thanks.

  7. Awww I’m partial to grey cats because of Alex. But if anything ever happened to Alex, I couldn’t replace him with another gray cat, because it would remind me too much of him. Me and my daughter have decided we want a black cat next. Hasn’t seemed like you’ve had any black ones lately.


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...