Saturday, December 21, 2019

Lucky, Lucky Q

Q, who is having a relaxing time of it in my bathroom, outside of coughing out a huge hairball, is a very very lucky kitty.

We knew the weather was going to hell end of the week, so we tried harder to get him early to mid week and did.  It was not just me involved.  Anyhow, KATA and the others helping pulled out equipment Thursday.  See we are not sure if there are two cats dumped along that area.  I saw only the one, but the woman who originally saw them in the dark, thought two, although several hundred feet apart.  Very well could have been just the one cat.  Probably was just the one.

Anyhow, Friday I was headed to the south coast.  I'd had a dental appointment, finally, to fill the two cavities in two different teeth.  It took months to get in for the fillings.  Only by then, one of those teeth had rotted to hell and had to be pulled.  Another one bites the dust.

And by now, I had another tooth hurting.

The appointment didn't go well, never does there, was awful in fact.   They told me that molar that was hurting was cracked and infected.   But they don't do extractions there, refer them out.

I was devastated to think I"d lose yet another tooth.   Horrified.  Also worried that now what, if that tooth was infected, over Christmas?  Nobody could pull it during the holidays.  I lamented this to my brother, in a message.

He called me back and said he'd talked to his own dentist and could I come down Friday.  YES!   I said.  He'd look at the bad tooth and pull it if it needed pulled.

Down I went yesterday.  Just when I arrived, and was lunching with my brother, a text came in from the KATA Sweet Home lady wanting to know if I'd heard from the Holly lady.  She was worried the woman was up that road looking for the possible second cat.  There'd been a slide, with all the drenching rain, completely covering the road at mile 17.

The other woman wasn't up there fortunately, but Q is certainly lucky he went in that trap on Wednesday.  Friday morning the road is covered in huge rocks a few miles closer in than where he was.  I hear the slide is already cleared away today but they are warning more are possible up there.

My brother's dentist and staff are very very nice.  He pulled the old filling off that tooth, that is so close to my cheek and partly covered in gum.  Found a big hole that went up in into the root, cleaned it out and filled it but said I may have trouble with it and may need a root canal.

The cavity was not typical, its internal resorption he said.  This means it may continue to rot from inside out.  Which is why I may need a root canal on it.  I looked it up online and it said it can be caused by tooth trauma or other caries.  I wondered after I read that if my considerable TMJ and nerve inflammation of facial nerves on that side is to blame.  That came from the neck injury sustained in the beating I took on a psyche ward.  I wear a night guard, have for several years. I like wearing it, but I often wake up to find it somewhere in my bed. 

He found another broken filling that should be redone, said he could crown the other tooth that otherwise would be pulled and make a partial denture.  My sweet brother told me he'd gift me the crown and partial. 

I can't believe I will soon have teeth again that work.   Best Christmas ever!

They call these tremendous rain events here the Pineapple Express.  The weather is usually warm and the river of rain comes in with the jet stream from over Hawaii or those parts.  Astoria has record rainfall amounts in fact.  We may get another inch of rain today here.

All the shelters in this area are full and cannot take Q.  But he is going to Portland on Monday, which is good news for both him and me.  Holding an unfixed adult male is not something I can do here, as it causes a lot of disruption with my own boy cats who smell him.  He couldn't stay up there where he was at though, that's for sure.   So, lacking any resources for him around here, off he heads to the Rose City.


  1. Lucky Q. And I am so very, very glad that your brother helped you out. Working/painfree teeth is a huge win.

    1. Yes, and if I get the partial, I'll have plenty of chewing teeth and I'll probably go on a crazy eating binge, lol, gain weight and become the subject of some movie about be careful what you wish for.

  2. Isn't tooth resorption common in cats? You are becoming one with them. :)

    1. L and L, you are cracking me up because it was the first thing I said to the dentist when he said resorption---that its common in cats. Then I shut up and thought, Holy cat mouth, I'm becoming one!

    2. I can think of MUCH worse things to become than a cat.

    3. Great minds think alike. :)

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Good to hear your teeth are being looked after. Funny about the cat tooth resorption.

    1. It is funny. Saw another horrible story about the fires in Australia on the news, Andrew, so many around Sydney.

  4. Damn, Jody. My last root canal cost over a $1,000, and that was the LOW price that I shopped around for. I find that, more and more, I live in dread of dental problems, I lost one tooth last year, and had to have gum grafts to save a few others.

    1. Dental care is so expensive its not funny at all. For those who can afford it, get it done and be happy!

  5. It sickens me that anyone would ever beat you. ~hugs~ You're an amazing person who deserves all the best, so this bit of good news warms my heart. Hurray for sweet brothers! And if you turn fully cat, may you land in a home loving as yours. ~grin~ Best wishes!

    1. I will get the crown next, thankfully.


Sun Coming

 Sun is supposed to come to us finally here in Oregon.   It's been pouring last few days, today included. At first, the weather stations...