Monday, November 18, 2019

The 19 Cats Fixed Sunday

I'll post photos for records mainly of the 19 cats fixed Sunday, up in Portland.

I went and picked them up from Karen, who drove them to Portland, last night in Wilsonville.  I was kind of worn out by then, but I made it ok.

I'd driven to Sweet Home by then and picked up five more the guy at the colony had trapped that morning.  Four of them, plus the six (mom and five kittens) I trapped in Lebanon Saturday morning would be fixed today over at Heartland.

I picked up the 19 however in Wilsonville, unloading and loading them in a parking lot, and also took her the five kittens, four from the Egg Place colony, all with URI's, then the one little guy from the River Road colony.   Karen had found a foster for them, a really awesome foster with the big shelter in Portland.  Once home with the 19, I got them settled and got the 10 ready to go for today.

The 19 fixed were 18 from the River Road colony and one from the Egg Place colony.

They were 8 females and 11 boys.  Six kittens were among them, four boys and two girls.

Female kitten

Adult female

Another girl

Girl kitten

Lone Egg Place cat fixed

Boy kitten

Another boy kitten

Adult girl

Girl of course

And another torbi tux

Two boy kitttens

Here's a video of me having fun with the little boy kitten from the River Road colony before he left for Portland.

Three Egg Place kittens, two boys and a girl, who were lucky enough to get foster in Portland, along with one other, plus the the little boy from River Road.

This darling Egg Place torti is tame enough to board the FCCO Kitten Caboose this week.  She'll leave tomorrow along with her sister, below, who is so darling.

Well that's it, for Sunday, 19 fixed (I took them all home today), and five kittens off to new lives.  Today ten more were fixed.  Tomorrow the I'll take the gray tabby and torti to board the Kitten Caboose, meaning they get fixed at the FCCO and if tame enough, then go on to OHS for adoption.


  1. Wow! Amazing. At least you didn't have to come up with names in your exhausted state. ~hugs~ It's interesting but makes sense that this is required before veterinary care, etc. I'm glad you reached home safe, and got to love on that sweet kitten. Be well!

    1. Yeah, the FCCO doesn't do names, like I do with Heartland and Whs clinics.


Five Cats Fixed Yesterday

 Two Liliths from two towns were fixed yesterday.  Coincidence?  I guess. This Lilith is from Lebanon and was left behind by her people at a...