Friday, November 22, 2019


After returning cats yesterday and catching the two kittens, I went to the park, to take some photos and just sit around.

The weather has been unusually dry, although that is about to change I hear.  There were almost no people in the park although the camp host was loudly blasting a leaf blower.  Leaves still abound.

The guy from one of the residential colonies I've fixed walked by, with his dog and stopped.  Pretty soon though he began to lecture me.  The basic message was I should forget about helping cats and he began putting me down for it.   At that point his voice became not much more than a distant buzz.  I thought to myself wtf, what's his point, and leave me alone.  He's much younger than me, doesn't work, has an adult son living there too doesn't work either so I don't know what they do all day, but if I want to spend my time helping cats, that's my business and at least I'm doing something.

I wandered around and took photos, had hoped to see some birds but it was mid day and most were not out, not even the usual ducks and geese on the river.  I did see one of the park cats and he didn't escape my camera.

It was quite nice to sit on a rock and just listen for bird calls.  There are not a lot of places to sit there, or even walk, outside of across a field or along the roads, but oh well, its all we got around here.  There are a couple short trails there, very short, and the one along the river is not maintained, so is full of rocks and roots and floods in the winter.  Oh well, like I say, its really the only place around here partially natural.  The county here where I live has few outdoor recreational options nearby.  Any real trails are quite a drive.  Next time I'll take a lawn chair I think and a book, if the rains hold off.   I go here quite often, sometimes just to eat lunch in my car in the parking lot, but usually I walk around for a bit too.  Remembering to take my camera anymore, well I don't often do that these days.


  1. I enjoyed your photos. Too bad your time in the park was interrupted by the lecturer. Sounds like he's got problems.

    1. I tuned him out in my brain right away, l and l, can't let that spoil my time relaxing in the park. It was nice since there were so few people there, just the darn leaf blower thing going on, but I tuned that out too.

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Pretty. I like the moss and lichen.

    1. Thanks I do also.

    2. Yes! I used to imagine tiny, happy faeries living among the plants. :) And don't tell anyone, but I sometimes still do!

  3. What’s it to him anyway?

    1. Good question. Feeling inadequate maybe? I don't know.

    2. Inadequacy with a large dose of mental instability immediately crossed my mind. It saddens and often angers me how much crap you have to tune out. And the more I learn, our landlocked home has become dearer and dearer to my heart. Every local route takes me past at least one park or other. Many are set up for team sports, but most provide nice pathways whether maintained by city, county, or Ohio state departments.

    3. Darla he has lots of issues. His mom, who is older than I, still works to keep a roof over his head and that of his son, neither of whom work. Their place is blue tarp roofed (the hallmark of rural Oregon) and the yard filled with junk. He could be cleaning up the yard, fixing things, but nope. Anyhow, I got over 40 cats and kittens fixed at their place originally. None of them helped. In fact another son was there one of the times I went, all were sitting out in old disgusting moldy couches in the yard, talking extreme politics, Trump love etc, (right before election), while I labored to catch their cats like a slave. It was a bit ironic really. I do it to stop the reproduction and help the cats. But yes, I take a lot of crap constantly and see horrible things constantly and that wears me down and gives me nightmares and isn't pleasant.

    4. My brother who lives in a small coastal southern Oregon town, where we grew up, jokes you're not a real rural Oregonian without a blue tarp roof. I told him if this roof fails I'm bucking the mold, it will be a brown tarp I put on it. I have two old tires too, just waiting to go on the roof to hold down that brown tarp. He laughed.


Sun Coming

 Sun is supposed to come to us finally here in Oregon.   It's been pouring last few days, today included. At first, the weather stations...