Thursday, October 24, 2019

So Long Jetson

Jetson did indeed leave yesterday.

Gone from the bathroom.  Immediately Cougie took over the carrier he'd slept in, in the bathroom. I think something might be going on with her.  She is wild, old and seems to be trying to attract my attention.  She has no teeth so should not be a dental issue.
Jetson went to my friends yesterday

Anyway, I spent the day yesterday in the usual way, after returning a large number of cats---zombied out!  I don't like to even get dressed on Wednesdays.   Really.

I did the tons of laundry, cage covers, etc.  I soaked the litter boxes and cleaned the traps and made apple crisp out of most of the rest of the apples from my brave tiny tree out front that produced bucket loads this year.

I swept and mopped the floors and if this sounds like not taking it easy, it really is for me.  I do most of these things everyday, plus more. 

I was moving very slow and sore everywhere which is my normal state of being on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

My router had given up finally, after a slow demise, where I could not stream a darn thing at all.   My friend Susan in New York just up and sent me another one.   I felt like an idiot not knowing how to get it going immediately.  It just wouldn't let me connect and there were no instructions included. I'm supposed to, we are all supposed to, know automatically how to do these things.  Calling the manufacturer was no help.  The guy on chat could not understand English enough to be helpful at all.   But youtube was a different story.  My go to DIY fix everything site.   Youtube did not disappoint.

Duh.  I had to reset the modem.  That was it.  Poke a sharp object into the reset button and hold til lights blinked.   Then wow, instantly everything was fine.

The next thing to quit working were my cheapo PC speakers.  They quit awhile ago.  I got some even cheaper ones at Walmart.  Under $10.  The other set had lasted over 10 years, mind you, and they were originally $10 at Big Lots.

I thought I'd plug them in and all would be good.  That was not the case.  Is it ever anymore?

This time, the fix I finally found was installing a new driver for the in coming sound system jack. Then they worked.  Except on Facebook and I had no idea why I had no sound there.  Well, I spotted a red exclamation thingy on the browser when on facebook and discovered a person can actually mute an entire website and somehow I'd muted facebook.   Now everything worked.  Until the next thing breaks.

These little struggles are frustrating but in the end, when I figure out how to fix something, I feel happy.

My TV however can no longer rescan for antenna reception.  I have long relied on the roof top antenna for TV channels.   I would rescan everyday when reception was limited.  Soon I could no longer do that from the remote.  I got a new remote and that did not help.   So I'd use the buttons on the side of the TV to rescan for channels but they don't work anymore either. 

Sometimes, I get ABC on channel 2, which is Portland KATU.  When 2 comes in, so do 2.2 and 2.3.  One is MeTV and the Other Comet TV.  But now mostly 2 doesn't come in.   Channel 8 (NBC from KGW in Portland) comes in all the time usually.  Along with 8.2 and 8.3.  8.2 is the Justice Channel with reruns of police investigation shows.  8.3 is now Quest, which has reality TV shows like the auction kings and logger shows, which I don't find interesting at all.  Channel 9 is rare to come in.  It's ABC out of Eugene.  Channel 12, Fox,  usually comes in.  When it comes in, I get 12.2 and 12.3 also.   One is Laff TV and I forget the other.  Channel 13, which is what I most frequently watched, but now won't come in at all, was CBS out of Eugene.  But it usually won't come in all winter.  Even in the summer, like clockwork, reception would go out at about 7:30 or 8:00 p.m.  I liked 13.3 too, when I got it, an old movie channel. 

I really enjoyed watching old episodes of The Office and I think that came in on 9.2, when that came in, and MASH.  They make me laugh so hard.  And sometimes I'd like the old western Gunsmoke and it would come on during the day, I think on 9.2, but I can't remember because I haven't had reception on that channel for awhile now.

So right now about all I get is NBC and PBS and usually FOX, out of Portland.  If I could rescan maybe I'd get more and maybe I wouldn't.

So I have the Roku box my brother gave me a decade ago and there are lots of free channels on Roku and I watch when I'm too zombied to read or don't have a good book.  The Roku required a working Router and thank you Susan in New York who sent me one.  I read all the good books I had left when the router was out and need to find some more. 

When I don't have TV, I don't really care if I have enough books to read.  I've saved the money to get my eyes checked at Costco and I'm doing that today or tomorrow.  Can't wait to get glasses and not squint.  First I'll check out a different glasses place that the Lebanon colony lady told me about.  They're supposed to be really affordable.


  1. It always pays to shop around, but I have found Costco cheaper that any other place here for glasses. What I don't know about it the places online. Good luck.

    All of your TV discussion reminds of when I was growing up and we could only get one channel, CBS, until cable came to town. The surrounding hills blocked all of the other signals. I was jealous of my friends who could get the show, "Mr. Cartoon" on NBC.

    1. Tonight its just one channel, PBS

  2. Good luck with the glasses.
    I have got to the stage I NEED mine to be able to barely function.

    1. Yeah, I've needed them for awhile.

  3. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Like me, you don't give up with fixing things. We get there, eventually, at times with the help of strangers on Youtube. I am impressed that you are only now getting glasses.

    1. My brothers got them years ago, but, well, I'm a little worried I'll pay out money and lose them or sit on them.

  4. When you said router, I initially thought you meant a tool for turning wood.
    I have an indoor TV antenna that I keep outdoors under my soffit. It works better than any outdoor antenna--or any other indoor antenna--I ever had, but then I live within two miles of a bank of broadcast antennas. If you're ever interested, I can send you the model name. I've had it for years, and it costs less than $30.

  5. Your tenacity always impresses me. ~hugs~ I've lived a sheltered life. And I should really get off my backside and clean these floors. ;P Best wishes on the eye examination and getting affordable eyeglasses.



 Sunday I was so slow getting going after the late night Saturday. But after cleaning litterboxes, giving KMR to kittens, feeding the ferals...