Saturday, August 03, 2019

Lost Summer

Yesterday, the weather here was cloudy and humid.  Today began the same.  I have paid little attention since I became ill.  But yesterday I felt better.

I ate no breakfast but went out for lunch, at a down town Mexican restaurant, joined by a friend I see every few months, who works down town. 

It was nice to get out, but the food was atrocious there.  I should have remembered I went there a few years ago and it was lousy then.  Oh well.   It was a good test for my stomach health, to eat that.  I survived.

It was all I ate yesterday. 

I am feeling a desperation that my break is almost over and I've accomplished almost nothing of the projects I intended to get done.  And done nothing to get away really and enjoy myself. 

In reality I don't have money to go do much of anything.  And can't go far because I don't have anyone to care for the cats.  I just need to accept that reality, for once, ha, like I will.

I had irrational hopes that I would see my brothers, maybe even do something enjoyable with them.  That did not happen, won't happen, never has happened.  Why I keep thinking it could happen is beyond me to understand.  I suppose its that age old desire to connect with family.

I didn't plant sunflowers this year, out front, until too late for them to really get a chance.  Nonetheless, some grew, from dropped bird seed, in the cracks of the driveway.

I became nostalgic over some of my elderly cats.   Comet has been with me the longest.  I was trying to clean up an Albany trailer park over run in cats while I still lived in a Corvallis shack.  Comet was one of many kittens in one old ladies driveway I scooped up.  He alone did not get a home. Back surgery interfered in the end, stalled out everything I was doing, and prior to the surgery, I could not really even walk.  My mother died the day I had surgery.   Anyhow, prior to my back completely failing, most of the other Heatherdale trailer park kittens got homes, probably not the best homes though, so Comet is likely the last survivor of them all.  Comet adored Miss Daisy, idolized her I'd have to say, even may have been obsessed with her.  Her death was very hard on him.  His best friend now is old man Mooki, one of the Spicer boys.  They run around here like joined twins.

He was probably born around March of 2005 if I recall.  I moved here with him and other cats in late January of 2007.  He was almost two by that time.  Now he's an old man of over 14.

These are all of Comet back in 2005, when I lived in the shack in Corvallis. 

I took this in April of 2007, before I removed all that horrid old stinky carpet that had been in this house who knows how many years.  It filled the entire house, except the kitchen and bathroom.  Took me a very long time to pull it all up, along with the pad and tack strips, cut it into smaller pieces so I could cram it into the back of my car for one load to the dump.  After that I struggled with flooring.  I tried to seal the osb sub floor and then paint it, but that didn't work, and I couldn't mop without that horrid awful osb sub floor starting to turn to sawdust and bubble up.  So I got those foot square sticky backed vinyl pieces and covered the floor with those.  At that time, the Dollar Store still sold them in boxes.  Later on, I have found large vinyl flooring remnants at Home Depot and covered the dining area and part of the living room with those.  But the vinyl squares remain in my bedroom, the hall and part of the living room, 12 years later.  On the box it said they would last five years.  

Comet has enjoyed life here.  He's lost some weight as he's aged but comes onto my bed nearly every night, chirping and rolling on his side, soliciting pets.  He comes always with Mooki by his side, his best friend.


  1. Love your sunflowers and that you are finally feeling a little better.
    Mourn your largely lost summer.
    Comet is a charmer and I love that he has a friend as he ages.

  2. I'm glad you are feeling better. How much longer are you on break?

  3. I did get a bucket of paint. I started painting the garage cat room a couple months ago but ran out of paint. So I figure I can at least finish that project.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....