Sunday, August 04, 2019

Getting a T Shirt

Getting a T shirt I think.

Going to have it say, "Don't tell me your woes, I can't handle it",

I don't know why but last months I've been on overload.

So many people in trouble and my brain keeps going, probably because of being alone too much, trying to think up ways to solve all these problems people are having and I can't solve them.

I can't fix even the cat problems in one town, let alone find a place for that homeless lady living in her pickup.  Etc, etc.

Or the world's problems.

Two more mass shootings in the US too in one day. I didn't want to hear about that either.

I have become too familiar with solving other people's problems with cats.  Horrors of all sorts concerning cats.   Trying to mop up the mistakes and bad judgement calls of others.

You find one hoarder in Lebanon and get all their cats fixed and around the corner or two blocks away another pops up.

Maybe it is time to back off and try something else.  Or go at it another way.


  1. Or to put yourelf and your needs first.

  2. I am so glad you didn't suffer diverticulitis! That's scary stuff that almost killed a family friend. Sorry for how you feel mentally, as well. ~hugs~ The world is insane. As for doctors, I am seeing a resident physician who is fortunately very good. And thanks to my husband's yearly research, we have decent medical coverage for a decent price. I'm crossing my fingers that I can follow this doc's future practice whenever he moves on. We shall see. Please take care. I wish you all the best.

    1. EC's other half had it too, she said and his bowel ruptured before they knew it. Scary!!! The residents are enthusiastic if nothing else, but soon are gone. I have been assigned a new one but haven't met her yet. It's kind of nice to know your doctor long term, hope you can follow yours to wherever he ends up after residency. Your husband sounds very "useful" lol. Good guy in other words. I've got friends still married who found some really good guys too.

    2. As for my mental state, I am not so sure a break is good for that, especially if I can't get out and go places, do things. Sitting here on the computer too much, is not healthy, bad joints or not. My cats want me out of the house more, I'm sure of it.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....