Thursday, August 01, 2019


I'm still not right physically.

Been sleeping lots, went and got prilosec and some ginger ale to sip, have eaten almost nothing.  I am much better than Tuesday which was the worst day.  I just wonder what has gone on.

I looked up all the things I could have contracted that include severe stomach pain, muscle soreness, fever.  Well there are all sorts of things, but diverticulitis struck me as very possible.  I had terrible soreness like muscle tenderness, lower right and left side, really bad.

Anyhow, I'm not sure I have a doctor yet.  The last one quit at the end of her residency (June) and got a real job somewhere else.   I could not find a doctor to take my insurance three years ago when my latest one quit.   So I ended up at the residence clinic.  Newbie doctors, just out of med school.  Fun stuff.


Plus the fact they're gone in three years.  No attachments that's for sure, no sense of knowing your doctor very long.  I feel like a lab animal when I go there.

I was told I'd be notified within a couple months when the latest newbie was assigned to me.  I have not been notified of anything.  Took me quite a bit to get my last bp med refilled, as a result.  Not a good sign.   In the meantime I am to use urgent care.

I'll make an effort to call the residence clinic, to see if I have a doctor yet first.  I have to do that or my insurance won't pay to go to urgent care.  Normally however it can take quite some time to get an appointment in the first place so if you get sick or something like when I cut my finger, I go to urgent care.

I did get an appointment and the doctor said its food poisoning and not to worry about worse things.  I was concerned about diverticulitis and twisted bowel and ruptured bowel.  I figured, EC, "himself" had ruptured his bowel, leading to his difficulties, didn't know it was diverticulitis.  Anyhow, I'm scared of those things.  So, I'm glad I had/have food poisoning. I am still afraid to eat though.  The Food Poisoning diet is extremely effective.  I just visualize those things I ate prior to getting so ill and then I want to vomit.


  1. I really hope that it isn't diverticulitis. Himself has it and before we knew he had it, his bowel ruptured.
    Good luck on negotiating the hoops put in your way. I really hope you do get appropriate medical care. Soon.

    1. That's awful, EC. Is he still having surgeries? I'm feeling better, have slept way too much last four days, no longer tired, still not eating much, to be cautious, also going to start daily walking, to aid digestion, for the future.

  2. I have diverticulitis and my doctor told me when the wind stops that is when I can be certain there is a problem and I need to get to the doctor..

    I will keep a good thought for your internals. :)

    1. Well I was sure it would be that, but it got better and Friday the doctor said it wasn't that, because it came on suddenly and was over in a couple days pretty much. I don't know, just back to normal now, so happy about that.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....