Wednesday, July 31, 2019


I planned this get away to Detroit Lake.  I took my raft.  A cat lady friend owns a small motel there and gave me one night as a gift then I bought a couple more nights.

Things did not go well.  I became sick even before I went, stomach locked, terrible gas pain.

But I went anyway, thinking it too late to cancel and this was supposed to my big getaway.  But I got even sicker Monday.  I could only lay in bed up there and moan.

I gave it up and came home today.  Still sick, chills, stomach locked in terrible gas pains--probably food poisoning. 


 I feel slightly better by now.  I've done nothing but sleep much of two days.  Oh, and moan.


  1. That sounds miserable with horrible timing. Hope your continuing to get better and you get another chance at a few days away.

    1. Miserable doesn't come close. Monday wasn't so bad, didn't arrive til 1:00, didn't really feel sick til later on, when I was so tired. It was last night that it was the worse. I thought maybe I'd die from the stomach pain alone. Feel better somewhat today.

  2. Feel better soon.

  3. So unfair.
    Moan away - and I hope you are feeling better all the time.

    1. Feeling better today but still can't eat. I should lose weight. Haha, the upside of food poisoning.

  4. Shoot! Sorry to hear that you got sick during what should have been a nice break for you.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....