Saturday, July 27, 2019


I went to the lake today.

I suppose it was stupid.  It's Saturday.  A zillion people were up there, most with very fast motorized boats of all kinds.  Hardly a day for my raft.  Oh well, I went anyhow.

I lucked out and found a parking space.  But there was a huge back up of boats waiting to launch.  With my raft, at least, I could just put it in the water on the little gravel beach.  I don't need a boat ramp.

There were so many ski boats, jet skis, even jet boats, the racing sort.  I never saw one wreck though, where someone ran into another with all those boats cris crossing around each other, towing people on tubes of all kinds.  It got a little hairy when I had to cross arms of open water, since I was just rowing the raft and that takes some time to get out of the way of all the boats zipping around.

So I cut the day off and came home but I'll share a couple videos I took with my phone from my boat.

Here was the culprit of the day, an ultra loud jet boat that was just obnoxious for noise.  But check out the rooster tail shooting up:

And then just as I got back across the last arm, to the boat ramp, where my car was parked and was ready to get out of the raft and get the car, some folks on smart looking jet skis caught my eye.  This guy was very good handling it.  These jet skis were not only good looking but very quiet too.  Relatively speaking.

Mostly I just watched the show up there, all those boats and people, huge groups of people in some places. 

Oh, and here is the cause of some of the dust I was speaking of last post.  But these are just combine's, getting the seed out of the windrows.   But they can kick up some dust too.  It's when they plow that the real dust clouds kick up.


  1. I am glad you got to the lake, despite the noise and the people. I couldn't cope with the noise of the first. Not to be near and definitely not to be in/on it.

    1. Wasn't a good day to choose to go, but oh well. Yes, very very noisy, especially that particular boat. He was breaking laws to be that loud on the lake.

    2. I'm happy I went too, even though I knew it would be very crowded. I could not believe my luck getting a place to park!

  2. I guess when the lake is crowded, you have to view your trip there as much of a people watching outing as anything else. Do you ever wear ear plugs when there are all of those noisy boats around?

    1. I usually don't go up on the weekend. Most of the kayakers and paddle boarders were smart enough to not be there either. I did find some of them on the one of the two river arms. There are two inputs into the reservoir from rivers and if I paddle up the river far enough, I lose the ski boats, but its quite a paddle. No, I don't wear ear plugs. I have teensy ears, can't even wear ear buds for music, they fall out. My ears are almost child size. It's a bit of an embarrassment.

  3. Good for you for making lemonade from lemons, so to speak, with the crowded water and loud boats.

    1. I'm glad I went, but the lake seemed a little like the drive into Portland---congested!!! No room to move!

  4. Ugh... I'm reminded of a long ago lake visit for a swim. It was nowhere near as bad as this sounds, though. I bet your ears are cute. ~hugs~

    1. Ha, on my tiny ears, DArla. Yeah, dodging boats in a raft takes a lot of "being alert", or something, not fun.

  5. When I see those dust clouds, I'm in wonder that there's enough soil left to plant anything in.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....