Sunday, November 11, 2018

Latest US Tragedies

Two mass shootings in under two weeks time.

I quit watching the news after those atrocities, committed by the usual subjects---men with guns and issues.

The grieving angry families sharing their grief on national TV.  One mother screaming, literally, to stop sending "thoughts and prayers".   I can't blame her.   She's lost her boy, who somehow survived the Las Vegas mass shooting, carried out by another man with guns and issues, only to die in Thousand Oaks, at the hands of some other gun freaked weirdo.

Doctors are fighting back at the NRA, who told them to "stay in their lane" when they ask for gun violence to be viewed as a public health issue.  One doctor retorted "we're not anti gun, we are anti bullet holes in our patients." 

So it goes in America.

Now forest fires are consuming California.  California is bone dry and has its usual Santa Ana winds that fan flames from anything into monstrous hurricane like fires that consume everything and roar into towns at blinding speed.

I saw some of the videos taken by people trying to flee the flames destroying Paradise, CA in their cars, cinders and sparks falling all around them, some praying, some singing.  Some folks abandoned their cars in traffic jams of frantic people and tried to run for  it to escape.  Many died.

I think of the animals who had no way to escape and cringe.  Then I turn off the news and its been off.  I heard about our own President scolding California about the expense of the wildfires, blaming them, for unsound forest management.

These are not forests alone burning, these are towns and cities and there are too many people now, spread out everywhere, you can't do burn downs when there are people everywhere.   Hey Mr. President, pretend to like the American people, would you?  Don't proclaim you'll withhold wildfire funding.   Take a look at those videos of people running through fire for their lives with their kids and their animals.   Think if that was you having to do that.  Grow a beating heart. 

Our local fire departments are all sending down crews to help.  We have some great fire fighters in Oregon.  They get lots of practice.  I hope they stay safe, but I know they'll do a good job.

Ah enough from me.  I'm a nobody sitting here horrified at what ordinary Americans have been through the last couple of weeks, from gun crazy white guys, posting to facebook as they slaughter young people, to hurricane force wild fires engulfing entire towns.


  1. From this side of the world I have been turning off the news too. Fires are almost a given here - and I mourn for the animal homes and lives lost too. Fortunately our politicians (bad as they are) don't (or haven't yet) adopted the Trump stance on this.

    1. Ah, Snow's right about it there, its retribution, hopefully hollow, for CA not voting his way.

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    All so awful. The emotional woman on tv was brilliant and she said what so many must think and feel. Trump's threat to reduce funding to fire fighters reminds me of when a former state premier here threatened a hospital with funding cuts because it went over its budget. That is, it spent to much on sick people. I'm afraid your President is not acquitting himself terribly well in Europe at the moment.

    1. I watched Macron's anti nationalist speech, with Trump right there. Awkward moment for Trump, if he realized.

  3. You're not a nobody in all of this. You represent a lot of us nobodies who are greatly saddened by the plight of many.

    1. Thanks L&L. I do like being a nobody. But all us ordinary people cringe to think of our fellow human beings suffering such horrors.

  4. I understand a lot of mental institutions were closed down in the eighties. I'm sure that doesn't help. ~sigh~ Now people, if treated at all, are given meds and sent on their way. Have you noticed commercials for antidepressants mention a side effect of, oh... *suicide*? That's because the depressed person, especially those younger, sometimes find themselves with increased energy but a remaining desire to end it all. Tragic. My smart hubby likes the idea of putting people under a few weeks' observation when given brain altering medication.

    And these fires! Makes me glad for dreary old Ohio. Be well, my dear.

    1. Yes, Reagan closed the mental institutes, as a money saving thing. But as one who used to be in the mental system, I can tell you, I shed no tears those awful horrible pits of abuse were closed.

    2. The closing of mental institutions was about more than money. It was based upon the belief that mentally ill people could be better served out of institutions, the idea being that they would take their meds, receive counseling, and everything would be hunky-dory. The result was that a lot of mentally ill people ended-up on the street and in jail. As for your experience, Strayer, I'm not speaking to that. I'm simply saying that there are people who, unlike yourself, can't make it on their own.

  5. Strayer, they're not forest fires; they're grass fires, but Trump is just looking for an excuse to shaft the state for opposing his policies. If the Big One hits Oregon, he'll do the same, saying we should have been better prepared. He doesn't say these things about Republican states that need help.

    1. I know Snow, its revenge for CA being blue. But he did sign over funds in the end, so whew, for CA and all the suffering people. If Oregon gets hit by disaster I realize we'll get the same treatment.

    2. I hadn't heard about the funds being handed over. Now that you've told me, I wonder if he did it because he wanted to or because he had to, my belief that Trump will wreak revenge on anyone who opposes him--or simply doesn't support him--to the fullest extent possible.


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...