Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Music I Like and The Cats Fixed Yesterday

I had two boys in the garage Sunday, Bob from Albany and Frank from Lebanon, the hairy guy, matted chin to end of tail.

An Albany woman was trying to trap the stray male she fed.  In the end, he showed up Sunday evening, but with a torti she didn't know and she got in the trap.  Well, better this time of year to take a girl than a boy.  All the girls are in heat, pregnant or lactating by now.  But this little wide eyed one----so tiny, so scared.

She was sick.  Her uterus was badly infected.   It got removed, of course, in the spay and she got a long lasting antibiotic injection.  Her capture instead of the boy literally saved her life.

Cindy Lou, the tiny little torti, fixed yesterday, rotten uterus gone!
She'll have to return to where she came from unless I can talk my torti loving friend into taking her.  Unlikely though.  Ha.

And Frank, the hairy boy, he was already neutered, but there would be no way to know that due to his excessive hair.  And now, he doesn't have that hair.  The clinic shaved him and man alive does he look good now.  He truly had almost a second skin of matted hair, clear up his tail.

Frank of Lebanon with all that hair

And Frank after the clinic staff gave him a clip job

Frank looking good
The third cat fixed was Bob, the black boy stray from Albany.  He is a sweetie, a little bit wild, a little bit tame, one of those lost boys, who was not fixed by his owner and wandered off then never made it home.  Lost boys are common around here.

I love music.  Music soothes my soul.  When I'm overwhelmed in thoughts of all sorts, morbid or depressing or guilt inducing or worrisome, I turn on the radio and listen to hard rock.   Puts my mind into the music instead of into myself and my insignificant little problems.

My parents did not allow us music in our home growing up, except for religious music and some really strange exceptions like Tijuana Brass and the Baja Marimba Band.   Why these exceptions?  Hell if I know.   One Christmas, when I was a bit older, my mother defied my father, and got me a Bruce Springsteen packet of albums.  I only played them when he wasn't home, or he'd come into the living room where the stereo record player was and jerk the album off the turntable and make some mean comment about rock stars or one in particular and what a ridiculous racket.  In my mind, I'd be saying something like, "a racket, as compared to the Baja Marimba band or your nightly railings against everything on earth including my mother?"

The religion I grew up in liked to remind the children constantly that if rock music was played backwards (how that would happen is a good question), you'd hear messages from the devil.

If there was a devil, I heard his or her message every Saturday in church.  That was my opinion anyhow.  I kept that to myself.

I grew up controlled.  No music.  No dancing.  Nothing fun.  Not allowed.

As I aged, music was stored on vinyl, then 8 tracks, then cassettes, then CD's and now its mostly digital so I don't have any really except a couple CD's for the car player.  Its too expensive and too hard to keep track of on my constantly failing older devices, and gets "lost" in the cloud when they crash.  So I don't bother buying digital music.  My older brother, after losing too much music on the cloud, for whatever reason, has gone back to old vinyl and he likes it.  They last.  When your computer fails, you still have music.  Like a real book in your hands.  Real books don't fry your brain with the artificial light of an LCD and over stimulate with the constant flickering of the refreshing screen.  Old school is healthier sometimes and often more enduring.

These are just a few of the old timers I enjoyed on the sly.  There are lots more.  Young adults may not even know some of these by now.  Showing my age.  Thunder Road was one of many Springsteen songs I liked.  I couldn't find good youtube recordings of Thunder Road or of The River, however. Oh well.  I like The Stones, the Doors, Chicago, Jimmy Buffet, Jimmy Hendrix, The Pretenders, etc, etc.  I can't even remember favorite songs from back then too well now.

I didn't mind the Moody Blues.  This song, Just a Singer in a RocknRoll Band, was written simply because people would ask the singers all sorts of questions, including about politics, when....they're just singers in rock n roll band.

I love Billy Idol's voice to this day.

My all time favorite rocker might be Janis Joplin.


  1. Thank you for your life saving ways.
    I am in the minority. Music isn't high on my list. I like some (including rather a lot of those you mentioned) but am perfectly happy without it.
    Books on the other hand...

    1. I like to read, also, EC, with you there!

  2. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I'm not fussed on music and rarely listen to it, but I do approve Stairway to Heaven, The Moody Blues, anything by Billy Idol and the ever so frail Janis.

  3. Our library and most others have music you can download for free on various devices. You might check into it and that way you won't have to worry about the cost if (when) your old device crashes. You can just get it again. I like music, but not enough to always have it on in the background.

    1. Great idea! I can't have it in the background either, but when I need to drown out my own thoughts, sooth my soul, I turn some on, usually the car radio, a classic rock station, it's the only one I listen to. It helps me so much to forget about everything.

  4. I enjoy all of your music favorites, but for the past few decades I've listened to a community radio station that changes its programming every few hours when anew volunteer disc jockey comes on. Thanks to that I know a little bit about SO many different types of music!

  5. Great job! Best wishes to these kitties. And thank you. Nice taste in music, too. ~grin~ I prefer to buy compact disks, still, not one to trust the cloud either. Be well, my dear.


Green Peter Drawdown Video

  A video made about the Green Peter reservoir drawdown.  Will it help at all?   I don't know.