Sunday, April 29, 2018

Back to Rainy Days

We had a few glorious days of sun.  Temperatures soared into the 80's!   I was happy!

One day we were basking in the warmth.

The next, the temperatures never made it out of the 50's.  We're still in that slump. 

I went over to the coast on Friday.  During the three days of sun, I was sure it would last forever.  Or at least til Friday.

I arrived in pouring rain and I drove home in rain.

But there was a slight reprieve mid afternoon, just long enough to go down on the beach, with my shoes off and walk around for 15 minutes or so.  That was it. 

Oh well.  At least I got out of the valley.

I can't for the life of me find many cats in need of fixing lately.  Or I find a colony or groups of cats, and the person suddenly gets cold feet on getting it done and cancels.   So here and there I find an unfixed stray I can take in. 

Right now I have two boys in the garage who will go.  Bob is from Albany and being fed as a stray.  I trapped him in ten minutes yesterday morning.  And then there is Frank from Lebanon, who showed up outside someone's place.  They feed him but the man is terribly allergic so he can't come inside and Frank is so hairy I can't even check sex although I know he must be a boy from his size.  Frank is huge.   He will be clipped some how some way before he returns.  I'm charging my cheap Amazon clippers now.   They are unbelievably effective for clippers I got for under $20.  They plow through Angel's undercoat like nothing else.
Albany Bob

Lebanon Hairy Frank

I have seven reservations for tomorrow and only 2 cats.  Another woman is trying to trap a stray male she feeds today.  But that's it.  So I gave away three of my reservations and just heard about three more who showed up at a trailer park.  I'll go over there this evening and try my luck.

Yesterday at the county park, a thunderstorm rolled through.

I loved it.

 I don't know when the rain might end and bipolar spring swings the other way into warmth.  I hope its soon!


  1. I am jealous of your rain. We are about to be drought declared I believe and there is no rain in sight. I hope it leaves you soon and comes here. We would both be happy.
    Love the work you do. Thank you. Today and every day.

    1. Oh no, I hope you get rain! I'll be sure to tell the rain to head on down your way.

  2. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Hairy Frank is certainly just that. A good storm is a wonderful thing. Days of damp greyness are not.

    1. Frank is very very hairy indeed. I love a good storm. But the long grey here, no love from me.

  3. They will be lazing on the sunny windowsill soon!

  4. I hate that people back out on promises but perhaps it's provided a little break you need? It's interesting that you enjoyed the thunderstorm despite getting still more gray and rain. I like them, too. ~grin~ Be well!

    1. Well its the dull gray and rain that is constant, soaks in to the bone, and into the mind that I don't like, the constant miserable sameness of it, that goes on day after day, without relent. At least with a thunderstorm there's some fury to that, some anger and intent.

  5. Love the work that you do. There are many reasons owners choose to spay or neuter their pets, including factors related to health and behavior, and concerns over the current overpopulation crisis in companion animals
    World of Animals

    1. Thanks WOA! Yes, we have a bit of an overpopulation problem here. But when I started out trying to do TNR everywhere I could, anywhere I could, 100 cat plus colonies were common. Not so much anymore. So many people are now getting cats they feed fixed at a much higher rate. I lOVE it.


Sun Coming

 Sun is supposed to come to us finally here in Oregon.   It's been pouring last few days, today included. At first, the weather stations...