Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Four More Cats Fixed Yesterday

Took four more cats to be fixed yesterday.   Diana rounded up three of them.  Two from Halsey, one from Brownsville.

Then The Sodaville folks caught another they feed.  The hard luck black kitty.  She turned out to be a previously fixed female.   Felines First might be taking her in a week or so if I can't find a rescue to take her sooner.   There's no sense for a sweetie like her to live like a stray because her owner, who didn't care for her, died. 

The folks who fed her call her BB for Black Beauty.  The big male fixed from there last week, Smokey, vanished after they released him.  But yesterday, he suddenly appeared again, with a second calico.  He still thinks he's shooting a loaded gun when now he's shooting blanks.  Good thing.

They have no idea where the cats are coming from but there are still two calicos and a gray tabby to catch there.  Or they're going to end up with kittens in the brush.

There are four more in Halsey needing fixed besides the two fixed yesterday.

Charlie from Halsey, fixed yesterday.  He is one stinky boy.

Chemical, unknown why caretaker calls her that, a little girl, fixed yesterday, from Halsey.  The clinic marked her as postpartum, but did not mark lactating.  So I wonder if she just had a litter recently.  
Then Diana brought up one little teen from Brownsville too, a torti, would have soon been in heat, like all the other females.

Mya from Brownsville, spayed yesterday
Besides those three the fourth was BB, and I have so far just the one photo.

Black Beauty from Sodaville turned out to be a previously spayed female.  She's about five years old and needs a really nice person to adopt her.
There have been some deaths in the cat world I know.  Clementine of Mountains Shadows died.  She had been with Chelsea in Lebanon since early last summer.  She was one of the oldies I took out of there, already with ear tips from long long ago.   The oldies including Clementine, Joplin, Pepper and Lucy are all dead now but Lucy.

This was Clemmie not long after I took her in, and tried to shave off some of her matted dirty fur.
Bart died too.  Bart was a tame huge black kitty mixed into a Millersburg feral colony.  I trapped cats there over and over.  Sam came from there and so did Oci.   Only Bart was tame and really really wanted a home.  So the couple who called me about the cats the third or so time at that same spot, who walk that route, drove over with their pickup and picked up black Bart and took him home with them.  He was so happy and loved til his end.

RIP Bart.


  1. What a bittersweet post. Thank you for your tireless efforts.

    1. Bart had a great life for years after the Millersburg couple took him home. His was a good story of love prevailing. He died loved. So did Clemmie. She didn't suffer and die slowly under a disgusting falling apart moldy icky trailer over there. Hers too was a happy ending, at last, in her old age. Lucy is still going strong here, is obviously extremely elderly but making the most of her cushy last years that's for sure. She's a love. She's coming up on two years here this June.

  2. How sweet to mention Bart. We sure miss that boy! He had a lot of fans, too. More than I ever imagined.

  3. You pointed out what I was thinking. It's always sad to hear about a cat dying, but they had a good life at the end. Your efforts do pay off in so many ways.

    1. Thanks and yes, sad when one dies but not when they got a happy ending.


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