Sunday, February 04, 2018

Chiquita Gone

KATA took Chiquita, the long hair calico girl, from the house of cats, owned by the tenants who were forced to move out due to repairs being made on an apartment building.  They were just going to leave her behind.

I still have Rosy here, another one of their cats.  Some friend of theirs is supposed to get her this week.

I seriously doubt that will happen.

But I hope to be surprised.  Chiquita is a doll, very sweet, eager to please, but craves stability, finality, a good loving home.  She'll be up for adoption with KATA (Kitty Angel Team Adoption).

Meanwhile, in exhaustion mode, I failed in my attempt to get up to take a cat to the coast clinic Saturday and collect Jade's ashes.  I just couldn't do it.

I did get this Sodaville kitty today, who will be fixed, if not already fixed, tomorrow at whs along with 3 Halsey kitties.  Poor cat's owner died.  But the owner wasn't so great, didn't feed the cat, who nevertheless gave the old man great loyalty as the cat declined in health due to extremely poor care.  Now that the old man died, the cats health has improved greatly as he eats like royalty at the neighbors.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine not caring for a pet. When our Jezebel snuck outside last summer I thought divorce was on the horizon. SO was furious at my honest mistake. What can I say? I came into the house talking on the phone with a friend shortly after we buried my mother. Oops. We're all good now, I'm happy to report. Jezebel's on her blanket on the couch with me. ~grin~ Take care!


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