Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year's Eve!!!

These holidays on odd days of the week are messing up my sense of time. 

Happy New Year to all, a day early.

The fireworks booms in the night began a week ago, with the usual suspects.  Hope they don't blow themselves or the neighborhood up tonight.  They do enjoy their explosives.

It's so frequent over there, I can sleep through the various explosive sounds now.  I am not sure if they manufacture them themselves or go out of state to get illegal ones or what.   Those things are expensive!

I miss Copper badly.  She's been gone two nights now and is not adjusting very well at her new home.  I hope she can adjust but if not, she can return.

I made a video of the bathroom kittens.  They have been difficult, first with their various illnesses, then to find placements for them. It is hard to tame older kittens enough for adoption.  It's even harder if you live alone.  They may tame to me, but not to other people.

I still have Twilight and Pisces here.  Tilly and Wren are thriving at their new home but she slept with them and worked at it, the perfect fit for them.  Tilly was formerly named Cheetah.

Winnie went to Heartland because she was so much tamer and I haven't heard if she has a home yet or not.  She was found on a different road, near a residence under a tree, in bad shape also but she was likely from somewhere else, maybe even from said residence.

Well, I do the best I can and I hope to find a good match for Pisces and Twilight too. They are soooo bonded, like cojoined twins!


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    You are getting rather good at this video production stuff. Happy New Year.

    1. Thanks Andrew and Happy New Year to you also. And also, thank you for your monthly support, all the way from Australia! Means so much to me.

  2. A very Happy Healthy New Year to you and your furry friends. And I am not in the slightest bit surprised that Copper is welcome to come back if she doesn't settle. You have a heart bigger than the ocean.

    1. Thanks EC. Copper is by now, three days later, doing well in her new home. I'm very happy about that. I get to see her whenever I want, since its a friend, but am holding off for awhile, because it might mess with her head if I go too soon, before she realizes that's her new home.

  3. I agree with Andrew and EC, and wish you all the best. It's bittersweet news but a tribute to your awesome heart. Happy New Year! May half of us do half as much good as you in this world in 2018.

    1. Thanks Darla, its a lot of worry involved and work, but worth it in the end. And I can't leave kittens dying in the middle of nowhere along a road. I couldn't ever do that. Happy New Year to you also.

  4. I am impressed that were able to play with the kittens AND record it at the same time. Nice job. I think Copper will adjust. She just needs a little more time.

    1. Haha, its not that easy. I've dropped the camera before doing it, and its really edited because most of what I end up with has too much movement. Copper is already doing very well at her new home, and I'm so relieved and happy about that.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....