Thursday, June 23, 2016

Manipulative Miss Daisy

No cat treats in the house.  Miss D is addicted.  But is she?  Or does she possess an evil side?

Also, I took Jazz, the little girl I trapped by the Circle K, who had been living and eating in their dumpster, and the big sick male kitty, the 9th I trapped at the complex, up to CATS in Sherwood this morning, despite being worn out and nursing a sore back, from hoisting those massive males in traps up over a fence, when trapping the complex cats.  I have not encountered such HUGE males for a long time.  And there's another being seen too, also massive.  I hope to catch him eventually, but getting so many huge boys fixed there should quiet down the area a great deal.  Many are likely related.

Poor Majestic, was covered in fight wounds and fleas and the dying fleas, after I treated him with Advantage, nearly drove him nuts.

Majestic, who had been badly beat up and looked, when I first saw him, like he'd lived in a dirt pile, went straight to their vet, where he remains tonight, awaiting not just neuter, but the removal of some badly infected teeth.  He was too big for my carriers, but fortunately I had a large borrowed one here, that needed to return to Sherwood anyhow.  He barely fit in that.

Lucy is doing well here.  I hope to find her a nice quiet loving home one day soon.  Guess I should explain, the photo, right after the title, was taken when she first came here, a bag of bones.  She's now gained at least two pounds.


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    My goodness,she is so thin and gaunt. Miss D did not want the treats? Bad cat.

    1. She's getting fat now, Andrew. She was near death from chronic diarrhea when she got in a live trap. It was simply worms, however, and has gained over two pounds since then.

  2. I like that you not only showed us some good cats, but we also got hear in the background how well your new antenna is working.

  3. So very familiar. Both of our cats decide a particular food/treat is WONDERFUL. So we stock up on it. And then they tell us it is poison. And wail piteously for something different. Something better...
    I am so pleased that Lucy's bones are being covered. Such a simple fix. Such a necessary fix.

    1. I'm not sure its that she doesn't approve of the treats. I think she's messing with my mind.

  4. This is why cats are my soul animal :)

  5. Cats are incredibly entertaining, each unique, and constantly changing/challenge. ~grin~ I don't know what in the world we did around here without them. We often pause television recordings just to enjoy their antics. And our kitties are nearing 15 years of age! They have no idea how lucky they are.

    Hurray again on the new antenna!

    1. They are entertaining. As for the antenna, suddenly last night it failed, no more reception. I suspect cats may chewed the wire. Today I inspect, try to figure it out.

    2. Oh, no! I hope you figure this out and get your reception back. How disappointing.

    3. Did. At night, appears moving it to a different window is essential. Weather is everything, wind affects reception, probably due to tree movement. I don't know, but now I have two cables, attached to floor with cable holders, going different directions, to different windows. I just unscrew the antenna, move it back and forth.

    4. Awesome! You are so smart. I'm thrilled your intelligence paid off in this way. I can't stop grinning...

  6. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I hope you get reception, again. Good grief; you deserve that! As always, your work is so important. Thank you, dear friend. Hugs.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....