Sunday, April 11, 2010

Onward Despite a Bad Day

The day was bad. The letter to the editor not only provoked twisted and ignorant comments, but also harrassing anonymous phone calls and e-mails. It's like, for helping the community, I'm the number one criminal in town! That's what I felt like today. It was a hard day for me.

I regret writing the letter.

But anyhow, I'd had a call for help with catching and fixing cats off Scravel Hill. And the Sprite Oldies said the one cat left there unfixed was eating in the tied open trap. She'd rigged a line to the open door, cut off the tie, and caught the cat by cutting the line when she was inside eating. That colony, once this cat "Itsy Bitsy" she calls the cat, is fixed tomorrow, will be done.

I caught two right off at the Scravel colony. I left them traps to catch the rest themselves. They're real nice folks.

So, maybe I cried some today, over the harshness of this world, but I didn't let it stop me from my appointed task.


  1. I am so sorry, Strayer.

  2. Thanks, Snow. How are you?

  3. Having menopausal hot flashes, insomnia for a week hasn't helped my coping mechanisms much lately either. Things get to me more.

  4. "Thanks, Snow. How are you?"

    Life is hell, and then you die. Thanks for asking.

    Peggy has had hot flashes for YEARS. Many times everyday, she will turn beet-red and sweat will pour off her.

  5. Can't argue that, Snow. Hot flashes are interesting. Can be a freezing day and suddenly, to be overheated. I get emotional when having menopausal stuff, want to yell at someone one moment and cry the next. I only get symptoms now if I drink too much coffee or eat a lot of chocolate. Supposed to be the pseudo estrogens or something in those substances, or the caffeine, which triggers menopausal stuff, I think. Jeanne, from Baltimore, you out there, want to get in on the menopausal hot flash discussion, since you are going through that also?

  6. Peggy hates coffee, doesn't like tea, and gets migraines from chocolate, so her moods stay relatively even.

  7. Yeah, anything with caffeine, pseudo estrogens or phyto estrogens, not so great during menopause.

  8. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I've been getting them again recently and its hell. I have noticed that they are more frequent when stressed. If its nighttime and everyone else is asleep and i'm alone and peaceful they are infrequent. Stress does seem to be the biggest trigger, for me, anyway. Of course its like an alarm clock - each morning I waken the same early time in a bed of sweat, with a cat on top of me. Sometinmes when i get one and run some ice cold water on my wrists i swear i can see steam rising!


Rain Stops Finally

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