Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Really Strange

Someone posted photos of a cat they said they lost a few months ago, down on 3rd in Albany. It looked exactly like the orange and white cat a friend of mine and her neighbors found on their street, just off Marian, who has been wandering as a stray for two months.

So I e-mailed both my friend and the poster who said she lost Kiki months ago. My friend carefully studied the photos of Kiki and of the stray and determined it to be the same cat, then e-mailed the Lost Beloved Cat poster.

It is indeed the same cat, when you compare the photos from the woman who said she lost the cat and the cat found.

But, now the original poster of the lost cat ad, which appeared only two days ago, is not responding to the folks who found him and have been caring for him to go pick up her "beloved lost cat". That's strange!

Well, maybe her computer is down or something.

Original Post:
Lost beloved 5 year old cat (3rd and Calipooia Albany)

Date: 2010-03-08, 1:15PM PST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


This cat is our life. We love it as one of the kids in our house. We saved him about 4 years ago at the coast. He is fixed, He is Orange and white. He is terrible with loosing his collar so i am not sure if he would be wearing his collar. His name is Kiki or Kiki babe as we like to call him :)
i love this cat with all my heart.
He was last seen on 3rd and calipooia in Albany, he is VERY friendly, he is such a smooth handsome cat, specially for strangers :)
He has been missing for months. I just feel like someone fell in love with him and took him. I have looked at the shelters and have had no luck...
I have SO many pics of him. So I will share a few. hopefully we can get our most beloved animal back into our lives after these hard few months he has been gone :(
If he is at a new home and happy... I dont care if he stays. I would JUST like to know he is okay!!! please email me if you know about where he is or if you are the ones who have him! thank you so much!

Location: 3rd and Calipooia Albany
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

And the reply, from the people who have found him and have been caring for him:

Re: Lost beloved cat (SE Albany)

Date: 2010-03-09, 5:26PM PST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


Your white w/orange cat is on 26th Street between Marion and Jackson. He has been on this street for the past two months making friends with everybody he encounters. Some kind people in an apartment have been feeding him on their front step and are now letting him indoors. We wrote you an email with a picture of your Kiki and our phone number. We're posting this in case the email didn't get to you. You can call us at 541-926-5638.

What I am is a skeptic. Some might call me a cynic. To me, I immediately think the person who posted about the cat being lost is the person who abandoned the cat, in the neighborhood it now roams as a stray, and is only posting through guilt, to try to see what happened to their cat after they left the cat behind. Sure, they say they lived downtown, but people who would abandon a cat also would lie. That's my first impression take on it and I hope I"m wrong.


  1. Not everyone checks their email every day or even every other day. BUT...

    Before we assume anything, make sure you aren't sending that email from a hotmail, rocketmail or yahoo account (+10 points on many spam filtering systems).

    Second, I find that mail sent through the craigslist system often gets dumped to spam folders. So if you are using the craigslist reply (and the person isn't savvy enough to have craigslist on their spam whitelist) it may well have not gone through anyway.

    And finally, it's totally verboten to include any links (such as links to the pictures of the cat) in an initial email. Links are usually plus a huge number of spam-detection points when contained in unsourced e-mail (unsourced = your address does not match the mail server forwarding address, craigslist, so it looks like spam).

    Just some thoughts. I have had trouble communicating with people for the above reasons - not that they were trying to avoid me. Hopefully you'll be able to make connections somehow. :)

  2. I sometimes get in a funk and don't check e-mail for days. And sometimes, I find people's e-mails, my friends e-mails even, in spam, like suddenly yahoo decided they're sending spam and boom, unless I catch it, that person thinks they are e-mailing me and I think they're not. So anyhow, if they loved their cat that much, I bet they retrieve him. Would be a nice happy ending for a change, that's for sure.

  3. Anonymous7:50 PM

    like the folks whose cat you went looking for at the rest area when you found, instead, Feather. When their cat was found they were super duper happy!


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