Monday, June 30, 2008

One Free Kitten Ad Called. Six Adult Cats Being Fixed as Result

One free kitten ad call yesterday, produced six adults from one small Albany apartment complex needing fixed. There are two pairs of mothers and sons, who have been mating. The sons are kittens the mother cat owners could not give away last year. One cat owner, who has a female, a male, and three kittens from the mother's latest litter, desperately needs a place for those three kittens. She and her roommate do not get along and she says the roommate may dump her stuff out the door today.

There are also five kittens, including the three mentioned above, at the complex needing fixed. Three need homes.

DMH gray male, being neutered today.
DSH white female, with one blue eye and one yellow eye, mother of above gray male, (they have been mating) being spayed today. She also has three kittens from latest litter, who desperately need somewhere to go today. Seems mother cat's owner and her roommate do not get along and the cat's owner may be kicked out today.
Siamese mix male, from a different apartment.
DMH gray tabby on white female, who is the mother of Siamese mix male (they were trying to mate), being spayed today.
DSH calico female, being spayed today.White male, being neutered today.

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Some Appointments

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