Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Neuterscooter Returning to Oregon! Woohoo!

The Neuterscooter is returning to Oregon mid July for clinics around the state. I'm not sure yet where the clinics will be held, but this will be a great opportunity for Oregon cats once again. Last time they were here, in four clinics in Pendleton and Milton Freewater, 400 Oregon cats got fixed. Four days. 400 cats. Owned, stray and feral. People lined up for the service because there aren't many low cost options available in many communities. Click post title to go to the Neuterscooter website.

Want to sponsor an Oregon cat for spay/neuter through the Neuterscooter? This is needed. Contact me.

I've seen some amazing things at Neuterscooter clinics. Like when a Neuterscooter vet removed two damaged eyes for cat caregivers, for $40 the same day 90 other cats were fixed, too. One of those cats' owners, whose cats' eye was removed, still sends me photos of the cat who is now very happy and a house pet.

I remember a North Bend clinic, when a cat crashed under anesthesia and the vet breathed mouth to mouth for the cat, gave her CPR, working for half hour, and eventually brought her back. Then the owner, a North Bend rescue, didn't want her back, because the reason she crashed was a diaphramatic hernia, allowing intestines to push up through the abdominal wall against the lungs and heart. This injury is usually caused by abuse, like being kicked, or when the cat is hit by a car. A volunteer at the clinic agreed to take her. That volunteer told me later the cat was successfully spayed later on, and her hernia repaired, with the vet then having full knowledge of her internal injury, and rehomed.

Anyhow, I am very happy the Neuterscooter is coming back to Oregon. I like the crew a lot, enjoy spending time with them or volunteering at the clinics.


  1. Just came across your blog. I had never heard of NeuterScooter. Wish we had them up here. They sound wonderful. We do have ARK-Animal Rescue Krew. They were a godsend when I took in an abandoned cat - got him neutered and his first shots for $80. The usual cost in my town is $400. which I could never have afforded. Anyway, just wanted to say how much I appreciate the work you're doing, and NeuterScooter and Ark. So glad there are people like you and them helping cats in need. Best Regards, Jeanette

  2. Click that post title to go to their website. We need far more vets like the Neuterscooter. She's based out of Indiana, only comes to Oregon periodically, has a license here. The NS is spread thin, heralded as heros wherever they go, due to the affordable price.

  3. I'll sponsor and Oregon cat. I'll talk to you about it when I see you.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...