Sunday, June 29, 2008

Field of Cats

I took these photos at the BS colony this evening, as darkness fell. I was in search of the unfixed cats out there. I did identify at least four, maybe five who may or may not be fixed. There were cats everywhere. These photos are of a field of tall grass, alive in cats, where they love to chase one another and lounge.


  1. Oh my gosh, those are the most incredible photos! Just so beautiful...and simultaneously so sad to think all those are without homes and breeding away (except for the ones, bless you, you've fixed).

  2. Actually, every single one of the ones in the photos are fixed.

  3. Gosh, Strayer, you are just the most amazing person. Thanks yet again for all that you do.

  4. No problem, Whitesocks, appreciate your support, even if you do live way down in southern CA.......No fires down there, I hope. We are suffering here in the mid valley region from smoke blown up from the northern CA fires.

  5. My goodness, this looks like it could be my yard. Students moved out a couple of weeks ago and I have new outside cats now -- already neutered thankfully.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...