Monday, March 10, 2025

Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.  

I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already there, between myself and two other folk.  She catches her own.  So I took five of them up to be fixed today.   Turned out to be three girls and two boys.

The only fluke was one very young unfixed boy had an unregistered chip.   Meaning?  I have no idea how that could happen, unless someone took him to the vet as a kitten or something, got him chipped, but never registered it and never got him fixed.  He's been at the colony a long time and he's under a year old and looks just like his alleged sister.  What a mystery but he's fixed now at least.

Maybe 11 or so more there to get fixed.  

She's not sure.

Working on it.

Here are the five fixed today:

This is Army (she named them), the young boy chipped but not fixed.   Fixed now, however.

And this is Navy, same age as Army, a girl, looks just like him, so the chip thing in Army is really strange.

Galaxy, a beautiful boy.

Jimmy is a girl

Lastly, Geraldine, obviously a girl.

After I dropped off the cats at the clinic, I went to Waterloo.  There are three more cats there needing fixed in different locations.   I only successfully caught the big black male, also fed in residential and everyone wants him fixed.   

Zeus will be fixed tomorrow.  He seems like a shy but sweet big guy.  I want to hug him, but he growls like he'll kill me if I try it.  

I'm trying to get all the odds and ends cats caught.  I want to take all summer off.

I went Saturday night up Quartzville.  I was intent on a once and for all final trip.  I was equipped with a game cam.  I figured I'd sleep there the night, let the game cam watch, set a couple traps.  Someone has been eating the food.  Could be just birds though.  I hadn't set it up yet, and intended to right after I checked in with a lady at Thistle Creek, but there was another incident with a car coming, stopping before the entrance to the little parking lot, moving forward, stopping again, like it would turn in, then it saw my car.   Moved off a couple dozen feet and parked.  I expected someone to get out, come over, so I started my car, rolled down my window and moved forward to let them know all was well, all that.   It was dark, but not that late, maybe 8:30 p.m.  The parking lot there is getting chewed up.  It's circular and gravelled and cars are coming in there to spin donuts in the gravel.   The placard stating the park is closed on a chain was moved to one side.  The usual stuff up there.  Anyhow, the car then did a U turn and came back to the entrance and stopped again.  That's when I drove forward, thinking the driver would want to talk to me or maybe I could just tell them all good here.  My window was rolled down but I"m sure I may have scared them just with car starting up.  I tried to yell "All is good here" out the window, but yeah, like that would sound normal to anyone.  They moved forward then, farther down the road and again stopped.  I thought all this was a little strange but in reality I was not getting bad vibes at all off that car and it could have been some other cat person, there to see if they could find that cat.  But...I decided at that point, with that car just sitting there, time to leave.  Let them come in and maybe they just wanted a place to sleep awhile.  There should be some universal way to say, in the dark, between two cars, "I'm not serial killer."   Ha!   I grabbed the trap, put out some food and by the time I was in my car leaving the other car had vamoosed.  This is 15 miles out in the  middle of nowhere, so I think it was a wise decision.  Will I go up again?  I don't know.   

We're going to have another drenching here starting Wednesday for several days, mountain snow too.  So getting done what I can outside before that comes is important.


  1. The danger of long time readers. You were going to take last summer off, and ended up still catching.

    1. The danger of long time readers---with memories! Ha!

  2. That was odd behavior from that car. It sounds like they weren't sure if they could trust you, either.

    1. I don't know what that was about, but we're all the same, wondering who is in that dark car way out in the middle of nowhere and why are they out here so late.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...