Sunday, June 29, 2008

Free Kitten Ad Calls Today

Today's free kitten ad calls produced two males, a female, and a stray needing fixed, besides the three kittens she has left. She had given away all but one of her mother cats' kittens but was somewhere else in Albany and saw two six week old kittens running around outside a house. The people got them from some family member, out of town, then kicked them out immediately, so this woman took them, too, and is trying to find them homes. She's very nice.

Her mother cat is mating with her adult son, from last year's litter. She calls this "kitty porn" and it ain't pretty. Then she laughs after telling me this. I said "Well maybe the fixed cats like watching it." She laughs again. She said it's not fun to wake up to, with the mother and son doing that beside your head on your bed. I said "I bet that isn't pleasant to wake up to."

So they are getting fixed tomorrow, along with a tame stray she feeds outside the apartments, and maybe a neighbor's problem male.

Another kitten ad I called turned out to be a landlord who took kittens left behind when a tenant moved. She could not locate the mother, said the mother ran off and she never actually has seen her again. She had found all the kittens homes and hopes very much the new owners will get them fixed, something she says she made the adoptors promise to do.

The third ad I called, I had to leave a message. Nobody answered.

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