Saturday, June 28, 2008

BS Deterioration

I had to return Ringworm, who was well over his long term pneumonia, to the BS yesterday. He couldn't stay in my garage any longer, because of the extreme heat inside the garage. I would like to have kept him one more week, for good measure, but he no longer blew out bloody snot and snarfed and gagged on mucous.

He had pneumonia for a good six months. The BS caretakers, his lovely owners, would give him antibiotics of unknown origin and unknown dose, now and then, but never follow through. Then, they decided he was too sick to ever cure, and that they'd shoot him, but the old man missed.

I couldn't stand it when I would go out to that place for other cat issues, to see him suffering so. So I told them to take Ringworm, as they dubbed him due to a chronic ringworm infection, to the vet, that donations would pay for a visit and his euthanasia if the vet said that was the only way.

On the side, I told the vet, if he was curable not to give those people any of the medication, because they don't give it to the cat, or do for maybe one day and give up. These are people who should never have access to antibiotics of any kind.

Instead, I asked they call me. So, after his appointment, where it was determined he had long term pneumonia, I picked him up and brought him here. I wish he never had to go back to those people or that place.

He was here a little over a month. The vet had him on daily Baytril, internal fungacide and I steamed him thrice daily for the first two weeks, to help him cough and sneeze up the congestion in his lungs. His improvement was astonishing.

When I returned him, the old woman again told me she was upset for the same reasons I get upset, that nobody fixes their pets. I said "You know, don't give me that crap. You don't go out and do anything for anybody and all these cats, they come from you and the ones you never got fixed."

She is always pulling the bullshit crap, that she does so much and none of their cat problem is her fault. It's all her fault. Along with the old man's. She tries to pull this crap for sympathy, usually when she's about to tell me she wants me to do more for her. It's a scam sort of thing, an emotional con.

Seems the horse barn neighbor of hers found a female and more kittens there, on her property and wasn't happy at all and called the BS woman up to tell her to get over there and get her cat and kittens.

The BS woman had screamed back at her "It's not my cat, it's yours." The horse barn woman said "We don't have any cats."

They don't have any. I told the BS woman, "You got no ground to stand on with a claim like that. They don't have any cats. When your barn emptied of hay, the cats back there had nowhere to hide or sleep, so they go over there. That's your cat all right."

Then she went off on how none of the neighbors will get together and help solve the problem she created by letting me know if there's a pregnant cat, so I can get it fixed for all of them. I said, "Well have you tried to get together about it with neighbors?"

Of course she hadn't. She hadn't done a damn thing. She hadn't sat out there watching for any unfixed ones. None of them on that street have lifted one finger or opened a wallet to help. They're a bunch of complaining moochers.

I don't like to even think of the name of the street they all live on. Makes me tighten up all over and get queezy in the stomach and breath fast and want to run, bolt for cover, head for the hills.

Today, I called the HTN man, to see how the three BS kittens, in his care, were doing. "Not well," he said. "They have colds."

I went over and now they're here, too. 13 kittens. Too many. I will need to get very creative to find them all homes, once they are all well and very quickly, too. Boy what a mess I am in.

Today I did nothing. I've been horribly lonely and depressed. Just a bad day.


  1. You didn't do nothing, you did a lot. You cared for all those little lives and that is definitely something.

    When I get depressed I try to exercise for 30 minutes. Clean, go for a walk, something even when I can't get out of my own way.

    Hang in there.

  2. Thanks Amy. I did some of those things today. I worked in the yard a lot, built another shelf for the cats in the cat yard, cleaned the garage, built a trellace around the tomatos with some old boards, fixed the baseboard inside here, that had pulled off, caulked under it, where the ants were coming in. Busy day. Now I might go try for some remnant cats, maybe in Millersburg, but I won't try too hard. I've got three tame cats already lined up for tomorrow. I only have two cats days this week, due to the Friday holiday.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...