Friday, April 04, 2008

Trailer Parks and Cats

Someone who lives in the trailer park in Lebanon behind Walmart called me this morning. He says the management is going to "get rid" of all free roaming cats in the park, that all the tenants got a notice in the mail about it, to keep their own cats inside. Too bad they don't say "get your cats fixed" also. Free roaming cats don't pop up out of nowhere. They result from bad tenants who don't fix their pets, then move and abandon them unfixed, or who kick them out unfixed or their kittens out. The cats suffer the consequences then, not the lousy humans.

Another problem at that particular park has been Walmart's proximity itself. Over and over and over again, Walmart has called cat groups because someone giving away free kittens left some behind. They allow people to give away free kittens at Walmart, calling it "all American behavior". No kidding.

The all American behavior includes Walmart then wanting some private little teeny rescue to come clean up the left behind cats. With no donation attached.

Because often, if people don't get all their kittens given away, they leave them in the parking lot, and sometimes include the mother cat for good measure. This is brutal behavior, but it happens frequently. So this trailer park likely has Walmart free kitten give aways who, once dumped at Walmart, migrate back there desperate for shelter and food.

Heatherdale Trailer park in Albany has more strays, too. The man who feeds them, however, won't lift a finger to trap them and get them fixed. He's the same man I dealt with before over there, who would claim he would watch traps, then go to bed for a nap, leaving a set trap unwatched. Another tenant there went and got SafeHaven vouchers for him to get two of them fixed, but then he just went to bed, and would not catch them.

Trailer parks get cat issues because of the type of people who end up living in trailer parks. Even with ready access to low or zero cost spay/neuter, such as SafeHaven vouchers, they don't get their cats fixed.

There are many many notorious trailer parks in Linn County, with massive cat issues, that myself, or other groups, enter over and over and over again, to clean up after lousy tenants who don't fix their pets. You'd think management at such places would enforce fixed only pet rules. But no. Sometimes the managers are part of the problem, too.


  1. I don't like the sound of the place where you live or most of those who live there, or that Walmart. You and the cats deserve better. Good for Neuterscooter though, specially as they come from out of State. They must be good people.

    Your bad tooth might be the cause, or partly the cause, of your feeling so ill lately. Sheesh, it's bad you have to wait until May to get it pulled out. You'd think the dentist could fit you in before that; after all, how long does it take to pull a tooth out? Take care.

  2. Where do you live, Black Cat? Are things better there? I have longed to move to someplace a little bit kinder and easier.

  3. You're in england. I visited your site. And from there, hit some of your links, like the camstreams.


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