Saturday, April 05, 2008

I Screwed the Date

I lost track of time. I thought the Veneta Neuterscooter clinic was Monday. It's Tuesday. I have four cats in traps in my car. I am a dumbshit. Now I"ll have to rabbit hutch them. How did I mess up?

I went out to Spicer Red today. The couple haven't seen the cats awhile. He tried calling his landlord, who also feeds them. No answer. I had talked to them before. She gave me permission to set traps back in the barn, too. So I went on back, to see if I could find the cats and locate the one pregnant calico left to catch. What happens then?

The landlady calls her neighbor, the tenant, and asks who the hell is back of the property. He tells her its me. She says I need to get out of there, that she doesn't want anyone back there. I had already come back out.

I wasn't happy. She had given me permission to be back there and she has gotten nine cats she feeds as barn cats fixed and not paid a dime to get it done and gotten two of them homes. How does she then treat me? Like shit, that's how.

Bye bye asshole. I left.

I'm just a fucking slave, is all I am. And these Linn County assholes are a bunch of grinches, monsters, mean ass mother fuckers, liars and cheats. That's what they are, all right.

From there, I went to Red Linda, to retrieve my trap. The woman had not caught anymore of the cats, as she had promised to do, if I left her one of my traps while I was gone. I knew she wouldn't. She again had a million excuses.

She scoffed at the idea of selective trapping for some of the cats left unfixed, saying "well then I'd have to sit there and watch the trap."

"Well duh lady, what do you think I've been doing out here?" Apparently the idea of putting any effort into solving this problem herself is abominable to her. That's why she's got forty or so cats. That's why her husband goes on rampages rightfully. She could have done something about this two or more years ago.

She had company coming tomorrow and asked that I leave, her being too busy to get involved in trapping the remaining cats at this time. Like every time.

So I left not feeling real happy about anything. However, I stopped by Tattoo Prairie. There is at least one cat left there to catch. Again, by 1:00 p.m., the man still was not out of bed. He briefly came out after I knocked, then suddenly said he just had to go back to bed. I had considered asking him merely to feed in a tied open trap but realized he would never even do that small thing. So I left there, also.

I drove out to Millersburg Country colony, where they have more cats because the former dairy owners left a bunch of unfixed cats when they sold the dairy and moved. Like any true Linn County citizen seems to.

By this time it was storming away and I don't like going there to begin with. There's an early twenty something living there who's lazy as sin, leeching off her grandparents, both of whom have severe health problems. None of them actually ever listen to me or aid in trapping, and if I say something, they just go on, like they never heard me or a word I said.

So the weather was so rotten, I decided to leave. I stopped in at C&G Overflow, where I got bit by their dog. I didn't want to go in there, but I had messed up the clinic date, and thought by Monday morning, I had to be in Veneta with 8 cats.

So they said "Go on down to the barn." So I did.

I caught four right off. I only had five traps and I still wanted to try to catch an add on cat to C&G proper, but I never saw the cat and finally left, with only the four. Glad I only trapped four of the ten or 15, too. I can wait til Monday now to trap more, for sure. And these four, I'll have to hutch them. They can't stay in traps til Tuesday.

I was not called by the parents of the neighbors of the BS. All this time, fixing all those 90 some cats at the BS, the neighbor would see me there and often complain to the BS caretaker about the cats coming on her property. Almost a year now. But she never mentioned her own parents, living back towards Albany, have a shitload of unfixed cats they feed. She finally mentioned it. And gave me their address.

I had stopped by two days ago then. Sure enough, cats everywhere, many pregnant. The old lady came out and said the cats are her husband's business and he didn't want to talk to me right now and I wasn't going to get them fixed when they're pregnant was I? Hell yes, I said, because otherwise, it's a whole lot more cats and a whole lot more money involved, to get them fixed, unless you're paying, and I cocked my head her way. Well, we can't pay, she said, so I said well then, we'll do it immediately. I have spots Monday. Of course, the reservations actually are Tuesday.

Nonetheless, they never called back and I knew they wouldn't. They're going to let them all have babies and they're sickly anyhow, and I'll have to block their number. They had their chance.

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