Sunday, April 06, 2008

Barnyard Trapping Images and The Cats

The younger gray tabby on white, trapped today.
The larger gray tab on white, with mustache.
The torti, whom I trapped last night.
Tame orange tabby male.
Wilder oranger tab male.
Black and white, unknown sex, from Millersburg C&G Overflow Barn. I drop trapped this cat, along with the two remaining kittens.
Brown tabby, female, who will be spayed Tuesday.
From C&G Overflow proper, trapped in shed behind their house. I believe she is pregnant.
One of three kittens I trapped today, of the black female, who turned out to be their mother. I caught one in a live trap, then two more, way later, with the drop trap. They were too little to leave out another night without their mother. I wasn't going to leave until I got them.
The black mother of the kittens. The mom is in a rabbit hutch with the three now, in my spare bedroom.

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