Sunday, April 06, 2008

A Nap in the Hay

I went out to trap this morning, but way late. I should have been up early because the weather was great early. Later it went into hail tantrums, sudden downpours with occasional bursts of sun.

So I again set traps at the barn. I thought I had a mother cat here, in a rabbit hutch. The kitten I saw is six weeks old and eating solid food. Still, I felt bad for them and decided to try to catch them. Later on, I saw the actual mother, also black and still there. So they do have their mom there.

I couldn't stop looking at the piled high hay bales. I was drowsy and there's nothing more appealing to me than tucking myself down in some hay bales, preferably near a barn or warehouse ceiling, for a cozy private nap. I must be part cat.

And so, feeling slightly self-conscious, as if an indulgent hay bale nap is something to be guilty of, I disappeared behind a flapping tattered blue tarp, protecting the open side of the hay barn from rain, and climbed to the top of the hay stack, near the barn roof, sprawled out between some bales, with my cat net toppled over me, and fell asleep.

I woke up an hour later or so, brushed myself off and tumbled down the bales. I was smiling to myself. I haven't caught any cats today. I haven't tried very hard at all. And I got a nice nap.


  1. What a great way to spend an hour! I’d like to tell you that I’ve written a scathingly funny book, The World Is Your Litter Box, which will be out May 6th. The book is cleverly disguised as a cute cat book so humans will buy it, but is, in fact, a how-to manual FOR cats. Check it out on my website,

  2. that sounds so relaxing! those pictures of the barn are really cool. i love the cow!

  3. I'm glad to hear that you had a nice nap and are feeling no guilt about it. Sometimes a nap is all you need to jump-start the rest of the day.

  4. I love naps. Especially uninterupted naps. I like napping sprawled out on flat warm rocks along rivers. I like tucking myself into a semi rotted log in a private forest area, where no hikers/bikers/dogs will bother me, for a nice nap. Of course, the hay barns are a favorite. Seed warehouses, too, sprawled out across full bags of seed. In my car in rest areas. Atop picnic tables in deserted campgrounds. Well, and like at the Pendleton clinic, held in a vacant unused building at the airport. There was an empty dark back room. I went in there a couple times, spread out some old bags on the concrete floor and took a nice nap.

    Probably one of the most bizarre places my body wants to nap is at the dentist. Don't know what it is, but I go instantly into zombieland and irks me if the dentist hits a nerve in the work and wakes me from my nap. It's the soft music, warm room and extremely comfy chair. I want a dental chair for my place here. They so conform to one's body. I just love them.

  5. What a nice way to spend a couple of hours.

    I hope you won't mind that I'd borrowed one of your photos of the trapped kitten in one of my blog post here.

    I have credited you for the photo by putting a link to your blog. Do let me know if it's not ok. Thanks. :)

    P (Singapore)

  6. No problem, Auntie P, using the photo in that manner. Great work you're doing.


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