Monday, April 07, 2008

14 Cats Here Waiting on Spay/Neuter

I have 14 cats here, from C&G Overflow barn and C&G Overflow proper, awaiting spay options. Three of them, however, are tiny kittens about five weeks old--two males and one female.

I have 8 reservations for fixes at the Neuterscooter clinic in Veneta tomorrow. I will take also one tame Albany cat, in heat, and that cats spay will be paid for through the Albany cat grant.

I can choose seven of the other cats below. For certain, I will take the pregnant gray tab on white female, and the lactating black mother. I will likely include the female brown tabby, the torti, the black tux female.

I'm after cats today at Tattoo Priarie and Red Linda, too. The ones I'm after are females, two of whom are pregnant. If I get the preggies, they'll go along tomorrow also. The rest of the ferals below will remain rabbit hutched until Thursday, when they will be fixed at Countryside. Tattoo Priarie cats are inside Albany city limits and could be paid for by the cat grant, that I haven't used yet, namely because it was just approved and also because I've been trapping outside city limits for the most part.

However, these days, I rarely leave the vicinity of Albany and country roads within a couple miles of Albany. There are cats galore needing fixed in town and close to town. This cuts down on gas expenses, but it is a bit sad that there are so many hundreds of unfixed cats within a five mile radius of where I now call home.

From the barn: 9 adults, 3 kittens.

Feral black female, mother of the kittens, and her kittens--a gray tux female, a gray tux male and a black tux male.

Black male--feral.

Torti teen female--feral.

Two gray tabbies on white--both feral.

Two orange tabby males--one tame, one feral.

Black tux--feral.

Brown tabby female--feral.

From C&G Overflow proper: 2 cats

Pregnant gray tab on white--semi-feral.
Brown tabby male--feral.

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