Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Door to Door at HTN

I was out at HTN yesterday going door to door to locate unfixed cats. I found several. I also finally trapped the long hair Slophouse gray male. I also drop trapped an unfixed female at HTN and loaded up two tame males to be fixed. I tried trapping two of four two older women feed, but instead caught the two owned cats they also feed. I don't know if the people across the street have booted out the young brown tabby or not. He's always crying on their doorstep and now these old ladies across the street from his owners see him everyday when he comes to eat.

I released him, however, and the very whiney long hair orange male I also trapped, who also is allegedly owned. But the two who are strays didn't get in the trap, or rather, I gave up after trapping the second tame cat. It was late.

I heard from someone who adopted three cats from me a couple years back. Her inlaws live in Corvallis and have fed some strays. They'd trapped one and were going to have it killed at Heartland. What stopped them? It costs money, they said, to have Heartland kill cats. So, they agreed to getting them fixed, but won't pay a dime.

So one from there will be fixed today and I hope to get them all trapped really quickly so I don't have to deal with it very long. I'll try to dig up donations to help cover these people's cats, too. It's pathetic.

Here's the other pathetic thing. The Lebanon rescuer did get money from the person she was trapping for, pocketed it, wasn't going to tell me I don't think, and was going to try to get the four she trapped for the uncle of the Family Feud situation, in and fixed on my reservations and on Poppa funds. That's just so wrong. Stealing is another word for it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, well...you said you didn't trust her. Maybe I come out there and scratch her eyes out for you?


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