Monday, February 18, 2008

My Letter to Gazette Times was Printed

I wrote a letter to the GT, very late one night, when overwhelmed in stress and sadness over the cats killed by the dog. I suppose I wrote it totally to make myself laugh. But it was printed---today, in the GT. There have been many letters lately in the paper about what should be done with the old Whiteside Theater in downtown Corvallis. A developer group tried to buy it, in order to create shops, but a group of Corvallis residents formed to oppose this development, hoping to do God knows what with that old building in leui of creating shops out of it. They call themselves the Friends of the Whiteside. But have they bought it yet, or decided what they want to do with it, after opposing any development of the building? No! So all these letters keep drifting into the paper of people suggesting what should be done with that building. In a late night computer typing binge, I made my suggestion in a letter printed today:

Lots of fixes possible at Whiteside Theatre

I say we create a state of the art spay/neuter clinic out of the old Whiteside Theatre.

Why not, I say? We need to fix a lot of things — cats, of course, included.

We could even spay and neuter and right ear tip politicians. They probably shouldn’t be reproducing. I’d vote for an ear-tipped politician. We could spay and neuter everything there is too much of and nothing there isn’t enough of. I’m spayed and very happy about it.

Without all the fighting over territory and spray marking cold wars, nipped in the bud by eliminating hormones because we’ve fixed everybody, we’d finally have peace on earth, as a byproduct of our little Whiteside clinic.

No more need for those poor protesters to stand by the courthouse. Consumerism, job loss and environmental concerns —-gone.

Because there would be far fewer of us needing work, destroying and consuming.

We may have to live trap some of our more feral residents for spay/neuter at the Whiteside. But we’ll de-worm them for good measure and they can watch a movie while they’re coming out of anesthesia.

What a fantastic investment our futures a spay/neuter clinic at the Whiteside would be. I can see it. I am so excited about the prospect already. And me and my cats would sure love to live in a corner of it. We’re dying to return to Corvallis.

As always, please fix those cats, people, for gosh sakes.

Jody Harmon


  1. Ear tipped politicians...I love it!

  2. dang, that's funny!

    great idea though--a spay/neuter clinic. and animal shelter. combine it with a shelter for the homeless, who could get some great experience as well as a sense of self by working with the animals, walking them, bathing, grooming, playing/socializing, etc.

  3. Yeah, I'd vote for an ear-tipped politician too!


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