Monday, September 24, 2007

Zabasearching the Numbers of People who call me Wanting Cate Hahn

So the lady who called today, acted like Cate should have immediately answered, like Cate does somehow get messages from this number forwarded to her. All the people calling for her lately, although giving different names, live on Santiam Bluffs Rd. How weird is that?

Now I'm thinking she used to live out there.

I called the number back, of the woman who called just moments ago wanting Kate Hahn, and got a man, who was nice, said she used to be a friend of a neighbor. I wanted to ask if the person who called here for Kate Hahn knew her, and if so, if she could ask her to give out her current phone number to people, so I wouldn't be getting all these calls everyday for Cate Hahn. He then said I should talk to the woman who just called this number--the neighbor, who was there. I could hear lots of people talking in the background and like the tinkling of plates.

He put the woman on. She was vicious. She said they'd just had funeral and I shouldn't be calling at this time (she's the one who called me wanting Kate Hahn) and I told her I was sorry, but I'm not psychic and how would I know that. She was meaner than mean and hung up on me.

Now I'm thinking, because of that woman calling, who lives out that way, and because of one other call I got, from the City of Millersburg water department, about an overdue water bill, that she used to live out that way.

I called Qwest again, because the calls just don't stop for Kate Hahn here, asking again what I might be able to do. They said I'd need to change my number. That is not a pleasant prospect, with all the work that entails.

But, I wonder about who got my old Corvallis number. So many people would call me, even though my number was unlisted, demanding help with cats. I pity the soul who ended up with my old number over there.

I'm just going to put another message on my answering machine stating "There are a lot of things I am, but one of them I am not, is Kate Hahn."

1 comment:

  1. that is very strange indeed. i reckon the ohone company have issued your number twice!


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...